Not even one attendant would help!!??
it really stands out to me just how phoney the bonds of forced brotherhood are.
the smiles are paper thin when they see each other in hotels.
the laughs forced.
Not even one attendant would help!!??
judge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
Could it be that Leo Greenlees or Ewart Chitty (both ex-GB members) are on that list? would not be scared of critics.
actually they would naturally take an offensive stance, wouldn't they?
they would welcome debate... even encourage it.
w1930 9/1 p.267 Par.1
Those who have God's truth never persecute. The truth does not need such a defense. It is only error that seeks by persecution, threats and death to silence those who oppose it. Any cause that has to be supported by persecution, threats, or tyranny and lies, is of Satan and does not have divine approval, and is always in opposition to God's truth.
sometimes it's hard to know if our own experience of jws was typical and what features were peculiar to our own area or the individual jws we knew personally.
i was wondering if others experienced this among jws:.
a few times on the ministry, when we were working wealthy areas with large houses, some brothers and sisters would make the comment that they look forward to taking ownership of one of these big houses after armageddon, when the worldly people have vacated them.
Well, the WT has made the ministry sound so appealing:
*** w55 1/15 p. 63 Group Witnessing in Mountainous Italy ***
Could one conceive of the average Roman Catholic congregation in Italy having one out of four able to give Bible lectures or sermons and all of its members starting out at six in the morning for the purpose of spending the day trudging from house to house talking religion?
vow of poverty scanned from 2002 documents.
i believe these are the latest ones unless someone has a newer one.
i posted these in another thread but i thought it deserved its own.. ocrd with 98% accuracy.... initial cover page 1 of 4. vow of obedience and povertyto the.
*** w82 8/15 p. 15 Insight on the News ***
Ministers or Tax Evaders?
The New York Supreme Court ruled that the Life Science Church has “defrauded the public...” and must return the money it collected. ... According to the New York Times report, “the church had run dozens of seminars and collected approximately $20 million in fees from people who became ministers to avoid paying Federal and state taxes.”
Individuals were told that they could keep on with their secular employment yet be tax free by starting their own church chartered by the Life Science Church. They could then either donate up to 50 percent of their earnings to the church and substantially reduce their taxes or take a vow of poverty and give all their earnings and property to the church. The church would then pay all expenses and the individual would be tax exempt, it was claimed. The court rejected such argument. “The ruling,” said Daniel Kurtz of the state attorney general’s office, “would encourage the state to pursue other organizations and individuals seeking tax exemption under the guise of religion.”
True Christians would not want to take deductions that are not allowed by their governments (as ministers or otherwise), but as Romans 13:7 counsels they will render to “him who calls for the tax, the tax.” They do not use their ministry as a means for evading taxes.
google the above title and find the worldwide media outlets that allow comments.comments need to be made on these articles to say that jw's taught the same thing.choose your quote from any of the below:.
wt 64, jan 15 p. 64 teaches if a woman doesn't scream she is guilty of fornication: "thus if a christian woman does not cry out and does not put forth every effort to flee, she would be viewed as consenting to the violation.".
Google the above title and find the worldwide media outlets that allow comments.
Comments need to be made on these articles to say that JW's taught the same thing.
Choose your quote from any of the below:
WT 64, Jan 15 p. 64 teaches if a woman doesn't scream she is guilty of fornication:
if a Christian woman does not cry out and
does not put forth every effort to flee, she would be viewed as consenting to
the violation."
Awake! 86, May 22 p. 23 - If you don't fight back you are guilty of adultery:
you should resist an attacker from the first
moment...Your conscience will be
clear. Even if you are raped, you will not sacrifice
your self-respect or cleanness before God"
Awake! 84, Feb 22 - Treat the rapist with respect
and understanding:
"Treat Him Respectfully – The intended victim
should remember that the rapist is a human. No doubt there are circumstances in
his life that have precipitated his behaviour. So although a woman should not
cower in fear and permit a rapist to intimidate her, at the same time she should treat him understandingly as a
fellow human."
Awake! 84, Feb 22 p. 25 - You must fight back or else it's an unforgivable
"But if I gave in and he raped me, I would eventually die and have no hope of a resurrection."
found this in my rss feed of, as new faq on
the answer was .
a person can resign from our organization in two ways:.
w50 10/1 p. 352 par. 10 "Droop Not Your
are not peddlers of God's Word who misrepresent their product in order to
deceive their customers and make sales for self-enrichment at the people's
g72 9/22 p. 29 Watching the World - "Religious
'Credibility Gap'"
Politicians have
reputations for distorting truth. And the clergy? Veteran United Press International writer
Louis Cassels says: "Time and again, as a reporter covering religious
news, I have found church spokesmen resorting to deliberate obfuscations
[confusions] and torturing the truth in an effort to keep the public in the
dark about what actually happened in a particular situation."
g00 6/22 p. 9 Do Not Be a Victim of
Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their
view and discourage discussion. Often their real motives are not apparent. They
sift the facts, exploiting the useful ones and concealing the others. They also
distort and twist facts, specializing in lies and half-truths. Your emotions,
not your logical thinking abilities, are their target. The propagandist makes sure that his message
appears to be the right and moral one and that it gives you a sense of
importance and belonging if you follow it.
maybe some of you interested in this:.
between 11/2015 and 05/2016 they merged in germany 48 congs into 24 congs.
in this time they build 16 language-groups and 3 sign-language-groups.
Here's a chart that tracks the number of congs worldwide vs publishers per cong (among other things).
The two right hand columns show that last year, despite more congregations, peak pubs per cong were down on the previous year.
the gibbering buddies are guided by jeehipity-hop!
how can i say this with 100% confidence?
well, an emotionally unstable eldub was talking about "mobile devices.
Smiddy I believe the article showing the computer cord and the shadow of a snake can be found @ WT 2011/8/15 (not the public version)
Good advice in that WT:
Do not become an “Internet Eve.” Be critical
and suspicious of the information. Before
trusting it, ask: (1) Who published this
material? What are the author’s credentials?
(2) Why was this published? What motivated
the writer? Is there any bias? (3) Where
did the author get the information? Does he
supply sources that can be checked? (4) Is
the information current? In the first century,
the apostle Paul gave Timothy advice that
applies with equal force today. Paul wrote:
“Guard what is laid up in trust with you,
turning away from the empty speeches that
violate what is holy and from the contradictions
of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’”
we will not weigh you down with burdensome lists, as you have the freedom to choose, but here is our list anyway.some snippets:.
the law showed jehovah’s strong feelings against clothing that does not make clear the distinction between male and female—what has been described in our day as unisex fashion.
(read deuteronomy 22:5.
You missed the most important paragraphs in that article - paragraphs 17 and 18!!