You are first interviewed: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book p.79
"The presiding overseer will arrange to have two elders (one being a member of the congregation service committee) discuss the matter with you and the bible student."
You must qualify: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 81
"Once the elders determine that the bible student qualifies to engage in the field ministry, he is eligible to receive his own copy of Organized to do Jehovah's will book"
The WT has minimum requirements to meet: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 87
"Auxiliary, regular, and special pioneers as well as missionaries have hour requirements to meet. Congregation publishers are likewise encouraged to put the Kingdom interest first and exert themselves in the ministry to accomplish all that they can in the field according to their circumstances"
The WT has rules to cater for exceptions: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 87
"Time spent in the field service should be reported in full hours. An exception to this is made when a publisher is very limited because of advanced age, is shut in , is confined to a nursing home, or is otherwise incapacitated. Such a publisher may report field service in 15-minute increments rather than in the full hours. Even if he gives a witness for just 15 minutes during a month, He should report this time so that he can continue to be counted as a regular Kingdom Publisher"
The WT's elders uphold the rules: Organized to do Jehovah's Will Book page 87
"This provision is made, however, only for those who are very limited in their activity. The congregation service committee will determine whether a publisher qualifies for this arrangement. "
The WT train you: km 3/04 p. 4 par. 3 A Cavalry Charge That Involves You
By means of the Theocratic Ministry School and other congregation meetings, God's ministers have been trained to speak God's message with authority.
And equip you: km 3/04 p. 4 par. 6 A Cavalry Charge That Involves You
Trained, well equipped to deliver God's message, and working under angelic direction, Jehovah's people are an irresistible force. Let us continue to play our part in the fulfillment of this thrilling prophetic vision.
And organise you: km 7/12 p. 5 par. 4 Before Preaching, You May Need to Search
the body of elders, particularly the service overseer, should organize and oversee the search work
And tell you what to wear: km 3/96 p. 3 par. 6 Preparation—Key to Success
In addition to preparing and practicing your presentation, you should also ask yourself, 'Is the clothing that I plan to wear suitable for the ministry?'
Then you must report back to the WT: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 86
"It is important to submit an accurate report of Hours in field Service."
BUT you are not representatives: km 2/89 pp. 3-4 Our Identification as Jehovah's Witnesses
Therefore, publishers do well to avoid representing themselves as agents or representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., or any other corporation used by "the faithful and discreet slave" to advance Kingdom interests.—Matt. 24:45-47... If any publishers use a personal name card in connection with their field service activities, they should not print thereon that they are representatives of the Watchtower Society.
You are on your own and are personally liable: BoE letter July 15 2014 Para. 4
Any application to use a mobile cart or to set up a table or kiosk
to display literature must be filled out in the name of an individual
publisher, not in the name of the congregation, any corporation
used by the organization, or "Jehovah's Witnesses." If a small
administrative fee is needed in order to acquire space in a public area, it is
to be paid by the individual publisher, not the congregation. Publishers should
carefully review any such applications to see what responsibility they are taking upon themselves with respect to
liability. Publishers who apply to distribute literature at these areas are
doing so on their own initiative as
part of their personal ministry.