Find these convention recordings online and ask what conclusions are logically drawn:
Spring 1967 Circuit
Assembly "God Cannot Lie", Sheboygan Wisconsin
Sunday 5:40pm Charles
Sinutko - "Serving With Everlasting Life In View"
2:00 "It almost seems as though Jehovah has provided meat in due season because he has held up before all of us a new goal, a new year, something to reach out for and it just seems it's given all of us so much more energy and power in this final burst of speed to the finish line. And that's the year 1975. There's been a lot of talk about the year, in fact even this week some individuals have been wondering, well, what does it mean? Do we dare talk about it? Is it something we can discuss among ourselves even though we might not talk too much about it in public? Do we really know what it means? Well we don't have to guess what the year 1975 means if we read the Watchtower because the WT has been very specific as to what the year 1975 means for us. If you want to write down the page, 262 in the 1967 issue of the WT we read "What does the year 1975 mean for humankind? The end of 6,000 years of human existence and possibly the time when God executes the wicked and starts off a 1,000 year reign under his son Jesus Christ".
6:37 "There's only 8 years until '75. How little time there is left..."
20:11 "There's only one thing that's going to count when that time comes and that's that we are 'inside', and we hope that all of us here tonight are going to listen to the Society's implorings. We're going to listen to their agonizing entreaties "Brothers get in" because they know what's coming. And it's coming fast and don't wait until '75. The door's going to be shut before then."
22:10 "As one brother put it, 'Stay alive 'til '75'. "
November 1968, District Overseer Duggan at the Pampa Texas Assembly
0:01 "So Jehovah's word is in your mouth. This
Good News must be preached first, before Armageddon. There is, will be now a
remaining few months. Not really a full
83 months remains, so let's be faithful and confident and we will be alive
beyond the war of Babylon; we will be alive beyond the war of Armageddon. Yes,
brothers and sisters, by doing this, having plenty to do, we will be alive in
God's new system of things, to live and to share and to work for a thousand
years, and there will be plenty to do for the next 1,000 years."
Note: November 1968 plus "a full 83 months" brings us to October 1975.
1968 BBC interview with Phillip Reece, the Assistant to the Presiding Minister at Watchtower House (UK bethel), discussing 1975
1:50 Journalist: "I challenged him that the threat of a year of doom, 1975, seemed to be a fairly wild and irresponsible surmise."
Philip Reece: "er well, I don't accept your term 'the year of doom 1975', but we don't, erm, put it as a threat. We firmly believe that in the near future this system of things is going to perish, because the Bible plainly says that all the way through it. But, er, we want people to appreciate that it is the prelude to the kingdom of God. You see you sweep away the old before the incoming of the new."
Journalist: "Well if the end does come in '75 will we all be dead?"
Philip Reece: "Yes, er, Armageddon when it comes is going to mean a sweeping away of this system, and the system of things, of course, is built up of individuals. That's why we do not tire of telling the people 'You must now come out of this system of things, Come out of Babylon the Great and take your stand for God's kingdom because that alone is going to survive'. "
Journalist: "What will happen to the rest of the people?"
Phillip Reece: "The rest of the people will perish."
Journalist: "How?"
Philip Reece: "By, erm, the, erm, by the forces of, er, God, just how I don't know, er, I don't know exactly how."
April 15th 1972
Lakeworth Florida
Ulysses V Glass - "Will Your Name be found Written
in the Book of Life?"
6:09 "...the end will come when the witnessing has been completed in all the earth. And so they worry a lot about things; "What are you going to do with China, how are you going to get into China, how will you have reached all those people there, how are we ever going to reach them by 1975?, for example.
...It's His word and He knows what He's going to do before He brings the end on this system of things."
May 1972 Floyd Kite - "Are You Marked For Survival?"
52:16 "There are a dozen inexorable forces at work right now that are converging together inside of this decade that will spell disaster for this system of things, and there is nothing that no human can do to prevent it."
1972 "Divine
Rulership" District Assembly
Day 4. 4:40 Brother
Reese - "Closing Remarks"
15:23 - "We had that advice about 1975, Not changing a thing! Not changing a thing!... We have stronger reason to see that the middle 70's are going to see the complete change in earths affairs."