Direction from God or his prophets cannot be equated to direction from the GB, false prophets, self proclaimed 'uninspired' men.
Posts by Splash
"The G.B. is neither inspired nor infallible"
by smiddy inthat admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
Another Subliminal Image? On the JW Website
by The Searcher inthis image appears on the current main web page - as you scroll the "witnessing" photos.. weird "facial" image at the guy's right shoulder.. .
smiddy Splash you need glasses , thats a gal not a guy , obviously a double exposure , yes ?
Then how do you explain his stripey top?
(I hate having to explain jokes)
Another Subliminal Image? On the JW Website
by The Searcher inthis image appears on the current main web page - as you scroll the "witnessing" photos.. weird "facial" image at the guy's right shoulder.. .
Not that weird, it's just how Asian guys look.
Major Doctrinal Changes Must Be On The Way
by notsurewheretogo inthe statement in the article "who is leading gods people today?
" in the feb 17th study edition of the wt is very interesting.. it states: ""the g.b.
is neither inspired nor infallible" ..we can err .in doctrinal matters....".
w2010 4/15 p. 9 par. 12 "Holy Spirit's Role in the Outworking of Jehovah's Purpose"
Jehovah uses his spirit to lead his organization in the direction that he wants it to go.w2017/2 p. 26 par. 12 "Who is Leading Gods People Today?"
The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in [...] organizational direction.The above two WT quotations are mutually exclusive, so which one is true and which one is a lie?
1. Does God lead the organization or does the GB?
2. Is the organization spirit lead or not? -
Selloff Hinted At Assembly
by thedepressedsoul inthe last talk at the assembly made an interesting statement, "we can show faith by following direction if we're asked to move to another kingdom hall for better use of dedicated christian funds".
this statement has everyone talking.
i spoke to multiple individuals and they heard the same thing at different assembly's.. i know they have been "evaluating" all kingdom halls the last year or two.
Seems that Dedicated Kingdom Funds are more important than Dedicated Kingdom Halls.
Spain: A group of elder requires clarification to Ministry of Justice regarding sexual molestors
by sp74bb inletter sent today to the ministry of justice... .
spain bethel sent a letter recently last oct 3 interpreting that no elder or sm should request a certificate of sexual offenses as other churches or persons in contact with kids.
again interprets the law to their behalf.. a group of elders in madrid has sent this letter to ask clarification !!.
Will be interesting to see who in the Spanish bethel suddenly gets assigned abroad, and which elders decide to stand down "for family reasons".
“Sing Out Joyfully” to Jehovah
by wifibandit inborg link warning: “sing out joyfully” to jehovah.
non-borg pdf mirror: “sing out joyfully” to jehovah.
Thanks Darkspilver!
This is a brilliant song to play around the fire at Christmas time when my JW folks visit!
More money-grubbing: Give us your money even if you can't afford food
by bohm inthe message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
Spiral A couple of years ago she was asked to make another large contribution
I thought God's organisation never begged or petitioned for donations.
More money-grubbing: Give us your money even if you can't afford food
by bohm inthe message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
The WT completely miss the point of this account.
Both versions of the needy widow in Lu 21 and Ma 12 start with Jesus giving a warning to his disciples who are about to witness the widow making herself destitute. Jesus says "Beware of the scribes... they devour the houses of the widows".
Continuing, he sits his disciples down near the treasury chests to demonstrate what he means.
The poor widow comes by and puts in everything she has - "she, out of her want, put in everything she had, all she had to live on".How can this be commendable?
She is the centre of Jesus lesson on how not to be like the scribes who demand too much, even from those who can least afford it. We know how Jesus felt about the self-important, self serving scribes and pharisees. The GB are just the modern day equivalent, equal in their delusion and cruelty. -
More money-grubbing: Give us your money even if you can't afford food
by bohm inthe message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
Health problems: That is no excuse to miss meetings, even if you have to bring your medical equipment
(Philippians 4:5) Let your reasonableness become known to all men.Wayward children: Kick them out and carry on like nothing happened
(John 13:34) I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one anotherLow finances: Giving to a multi billion dollar organisation is more important than having food in your cupboard.(James 1:27) The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation
(2 Corinthians 12:14) for the children are not expected to save up for their parents, but the parents for their children
The GB have lost the plot. The stuff they come out with these days is unbelievable even for those who expect craziness. Their angry, disdainful view of the flock is so clear, the congregations exist to serve and provide for the GB and nothing more.
(2 Timothy 3:1-5) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers... having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
(1 John 3:10, 11) The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Whoever does not practice righteousness does not originate with God, nor does the one who does not love his brother.