I wonder if the WT gained permission to use that photo?
Posts by Splash
JW news release and deception - The "High-Profile Case" in Russia
by jwleaks ini found this interesting bit of news release propaganda by the jws on their website dated april 5, 2017.. "russia's supreme court begins high-profile case against jehovah's witnesses".
my interest was piqued by the jw claim that the court hearing is a "high-profile case".
I was Kidnapped!
by TerryWalstrom in__________________i was kidnapped today ____________.
a rainy day in ft. worth is bad news day for terry.
my elective transportation is 100% bicycle and i can get through just about all weather except rain.
A passenger by the name of Henriette Yvois drowned at the age of 24 when the Titanic sunk!
Memorial - from disgusted to feeling sorry
by UBM101 ini went with my husband tonight for the first time.
it was pretty appalling how they lied about the 144k and everyone else.
then passing the wine and bread for nothing.
Drearyweather Can you please provide the link or source of the Kingdom Ministry where JW's have mentioned that this would be their last memorial? 2014 and 1970?
KM 2014 03 p.2 Para 4. "Will You Seize the Opportunity?
"Will this Memorial be our last? (1 Cor. 11: 26) We do not know."ka (1973) chap. 17 pp. 351-352 par. 43 The "Slave" Who Lived to See the "Sign"
The Watch Tower, under date of March 1, 1918, in its first paragraph of the leading article "In Memory of Our King," said: "Whether the coming Memorial will be the last on earth, we do not, of course, know; but we do know that we are one year nearer the full consummation of our hopes."Of course, the purpose in saying "Is this the last (wink wink), we don't know (smile)" is to get the faithful all excited. They reason "Why else would they put it if they didn't know something was going on?"The WT did exactly the same around 1975: "We know what's going to happen... but we're not saying".It's the most obvious nonsense of all JW teachings.It would be more accurate for the WT to say "For over 100 years we've been saying armageddon is imminent and right on our doorstep. We have been wrong all this time but we're going to keep spouting the same drivel until you have all grown old and died." -
Ugg. What to do? What to do?
by Darkknight757 inhaving a bit of a problem.
in january i quit a job of 22 years to work at a shop that does screw attachments.
awesome job so far!
If you're the only one who can do your old bosses job then go back on the condition that you take his old job.
Otherwise focus on your new role.
UK number plate
by stan livedeath inhere in the uk--private--or personal- car registration plates are popular.. heres one i photo'd tonight.. .
Seen for sale online.
How many here would like this number plate? -
July's watchtower leaves out some important info from a quote!
by stavro injerome over on discuss the truth has picked up on something interesting.. in the july watchtower on page 28 of the article entitled “winning the battle for your mind” the following statement is made “keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda is likely to be most effective, says one source, if people… are discouraged from thinking critically.”.
the quote comes from a book entitled: “media and society in the twentieth century: a historical introduction by lyn gorman, david mclean" the watchtower however, chose to leave out a portion of the quote.. the full quote is "therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically.. the following sentence which the watchtower also decided was best not to include states,.
*** w15 3/15 pp. 23-24 par. 15 Learn From the Illustration of the Talents ***
"In the illustration of the faithful and discreet slave, Jesus spoke of an evil slave who beat his fellow slaves. Jesus was (...) there foretelling that an evil slave class would arise."
"Similarly, in the illustration of the ten virgins, Jesus was (...) indicating that half of his anointed followers would be like the five foolish virgins. (...) he was warning his [other] spiritual brothers about what would happen if they lost their sense of vigilance and did not prove to be prepared. In this context, it seems reasonable to conclude that in the illustration of the talents, Jesus was (...) saying that a large number of his anointed brothers during the last days would be wicked and sluggish."
Yep, works for me. -
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmuhyxsghqk.
11. How can we show our support for the Messianic King? (From book study last night)
by NikL inthe study was on how wt has refined itself over the years by ceasing celebrations of christmas etc.. paragraph 11.
11 what a fine example those faithful bible students set for us!
reflecting on their example, we do well to ask ourselves: ‘how do i view the direction we receive from headquarters?
Refined understanding of Christmas? Really?
PAGAN - w1881 December No.6 p.6
... pagan priests became Christian priests and the pagan holidays came to be called by Christian names--Christmas being one of these holidays kept sacred to the memory of a great Goddess--since called the celebration of Jesus' birth though actually nearly three months astray.HEATHEN - w1883 December Vol.5 No.5 p.3 When Was Jesus Born?
"Christmas day", reckoned the anniversary of Jesus birth (Jan 1 representing the date of his circumcision eight days after) is mid-winter, and evidently does not comport well with the account of the shepherds being out with their flocks. It is supposed by some to have been placed December 25 in order to the better take the place of and transform an old heathen festival at that date, into a Christ-commemorating one.A TIME TO SELL CARDS - w1891 October Vol.10 No.10 R1339 - "CHRISTIAN HOME EMBELLISHMENTS"
While passing through London we noticed some very beautiful Motto Cards suitable for the adornment of the walls of Christian homes, and, thinking the prices cheaper than in the United States, we purchased some, purposing to advise the TOWER readers and to supply orders if any desired them...
The prices include postage: 11. CHRISTMAS CARDS (assorted, illuminated) $.05 & $.10A GOOD TIME TO GIVE WT PUBLICATIONS - w1917 12/1 [6130]
I was glad to see your recommendation that all the brethren give a copy of Volume Seven to their relatives and friends this Christmas... that would mean at least 300,000 copies of THE FINISHED MYSTERY distributed this Christmas time!GOOD - w1918 8/15 p. 249 [6311] The Cross Must Precede The Crown
"Presents are not receivable, except at Christmas time, when the privilege is graciously granted without limitation. I express my deep gratitude for those sent, just the same... Your Brother Joseph F. Rutherford"GOOD - w1919 1/15 [6381]
"my heartfelt thanks for the great love bestowed upon us and manifested in the numerous Christmas presents which I and my associates have received, as well as cards, letters and messages of love. May the Lord bless you one and all! ... Your brother and servant J.F.Rutherford"FROM JESUS - w1919 2/15 [6393] Christmas Joy - Our Incarcerated Brethren
More than 150 prisoners in the Castle had nothing for Christmas, and so our brethren got a list of them from the officers, and out of their own abundance made up a little Christmas package for each of the unfortunates. Even the officers were so pleased that they were heard to say, "Never was anything like that done at this place before." And so we can truly say, the Lord was in the prison that Christmas.BRINGS BLESSINGS - w1921 6/1 p.169 par.1
Who has not seen a wearied and perhaps weeping child fall asleep on Christmas Eve, howbeit hoping for the blessings of the morrow?SOMETHING FOR ALL CHRISTIANS - w1926 12/15 p.371
With the coming of the Christmas season all Christians have something to say about Jesus.HEATHEN - w1942 11/15 p.349 Is Christmas Christian?
Jesus Christ nowhere instructed his disciples to celebrate his human birthday on either the legitimate day or any fictitious date, and for religionists to engage in such a celebration on a religious fixed date , which date is furthermore sacred to a heathen false god, is a case of adding to the word of God.
... the so-called "Christmas tree" practice symbolizes the lie that the dictator Nimrod is not dead.PAGAN - w50 12/15 p. 504 This Masquerade Called Christmas
Let the Kellys and the Joneses and all the other sincere, honest and upright people who have slavishly celebrated the pagan holiday called Christmas now make a break for freedom.MURDEROUS - w54 12/15 p. 743 Origin of Christmas and Its Spirit
Is the spirit of God to be found in the practice of exchange handed down by demon-worshiping pagans? ... Is it found in the glittering balls of gold that pay homage to Balder, god of the ever-mystical sun? ...Is it found in the gluttony, drunkenness, lasciviousness and murder committed on this day called "Christmas"?A DEMONIC ABOMINATION - w54 12/15 p. 744 Abomination in God's Sight
What, then, is the spirit of Christmas? It is "earthly, animal, demonic." It is the spirit of paganism parading in Christian garb. It is the spirit of the Devil that has intoxicated the whole world. ... The festivities and decorations are demonic, because they glorify paganism, which is demonism.So after understanding that Christmas was pagan in 1881, they went on to celebrate it for 50 years.
Maybe Jesus chose the F&DS in 1919 because they were celebrating his birth at that time. -
by jwnevergiveup innewbie here.
reading forums and come across acronyms.
some are very obvious but one is not so far.
jdubs, dubs and dubbies:
It's the sound you make when pronouncing J-W ("Jay Dub"bleyoo)
Just means practicing JW's.
Observations From an Ex-Elder Part 3 - Searching for the Lost Sheep
by doubtfull1799 in"what man among you with 100 sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the 99 behind in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it?
" - luke 15:4. disclaimer: by posting the following observations i am not complaining.
i am happy to be left alone.
Your post is interesting Blondie
*** w08 11/15 p. 16 par. 17 Help Them Return Without Delay! ***
Why did the brother become inactive? He admits: “I started giving more attention to worldly matters than to spiritual things. Then I stopped studying, engaging in the ministry, and attending meetings. The next thing I knew, I was no longer a part of the Christian congregation
Basis this statement, once you have faded you have in fact left the congregation and should therefore be unanswerable to the elders for anything you subsequently choose to do.
If only the abuse survivors were aware of this, it could have saved them from being kicked out and shunned.