The beard topic is the funniest thing ever.
Elders are so serious about this and yet it is of such tiny and meaningless significance.
A beard indicates your spiritual status, a whole set of congregational rules have developed around them, it dictates what jobs you are allowed to do in the hall, it's the cause of gossip and stumbling, elders meetings are convened over them, CO's are quizzed because of them, letters are sent to Bethel for guidance on them, WT articles which mention them are microscopically studied to get whatever angle the elders want to get, the wearer is questioned about his motives and passive aggressively bullied, and the masses of unwritten inferences that are spouted as reasons to not have a beard are incredible.
The mental cartwheels that JW's have to invent to fabricate 'reasons' must leave them drained. It's so easily debunked yet they desperately cling to "well we're in charge so just do as you're told".
It's the absolute definition of insanity and mind control.
Happily this is a level of stupidity that young people can see for what it is, and at the very least make them realise that these discredited men with their ridiculous, unexplainable rules are nothing more than power tripping yes-men.