So the Awake! from 27 years ago is the last reference to Hanukkah and merely says "there is no reason for Christians to commemorate Hanukkah".
Their reasoning is that the old Law no longer applies. Maybe they should remember that when they start using the Hebrew scriptures to create their own catalogue of laws. Anyway...
There's no reason to have fish on a Friday, but it's not wrong to.
There's no reason to do lots of things, but if you do do them they're not necessarily wrong.
That WT article also quotes Paul as saying "let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival ", which is precisely what WT try to do.
The bottom line is that WT would like to stop you from celebrating Hanukkah, and tries to word things in such a way as to make you think you shouldn't, but they are once again over stepping their authority and making rules they cannot justify.
My recommendation is that if you see a JW on the street, at a cart or at your door, wish them Happy Hanukkah and see how they squirm!