nowwhat? My head is spinning!
Maybe you need to take a sunbath for the ultra violet rays, or an air bath - bobbing up and down naked.
Whatever you do don't take an aspirin, it causes heart disease!
not sure where i picked this up:.
self explanatory science and medical advice from the faithful and brilliant servant class in brooklyn________________________________________thomas edison, the inventor and electrician, of phonograph and telephone fame, has been experimenting with the new light "x-rays.
" and has succeeded in taking a photograph through oak eight inches thick.
nowwhat? My head is spinning!
Maybe you need to take a sunbath for the ultra violet rays, or an air bath - bobbing up and down naked.
Whatever you do don't take an aspirin, it causes heart disease!
What a turn of events!
It was only a few years ago that the elders read out a letter from the GB asking for monthly money pledges because "we need 10,000 new halls", or something similar.
That couldn't possibly have been a lie could it?
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
2RM all your wealth, however derived, is down to God's providence
Then you should be telling God that there are poor, suffering, impoverished people on this planet of His, instead of trying to save the world yourself.
If God's providence determines someone's wealth, have you considered that you may be resisting God's plan by trying to spread the wealth? What makes you think you are wiser than God?
not sure where i picked this up:.
self explanatory science and medical advice from the faithful and brilliant servant class in brooklyn________________________________________thomas edison, the inventor and electrician, of phonograph and telephone fame, has been experimenting with the new light "x-rays.
" and has succeeded in taking a photograph through oak eight inches thick.
Proof that the WT have been spouting ludicrous ignorance for a century or more.
Keep in mind that through all of this time, the WT claim that the source of this ridiculous and harmful information has never changed. It is all from Jehovah, through His faithful slave.
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
Once you strip the captains of industry and philanthropist billionaires of their capital, who steps in to give their 10,000's of employees jobs, and who furthers their good causes which give hope to other 10,000's?
Take billions of dollars from pharma companies, and who then will be able to invest in medical R&D.
If 2RM had their way, that $16k per year would crash year on year as the Gross World Production drops off a cliff and we return to the middle ages.
Lower gross productivity = lower tax revenues unless the tax %ge increased to compensate. If you want to live in an impoverished country then go for it, I'd rather live in one where they can afford waste disposal, police, good roads, etc.
Dubstepped good luck with your business, it's clear that you don't live in a fantasy world!
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
2RM I am not here to be nice. Just to save the world.
Sounds like you have a mental illness. Moving on...
2RM But obviously not to a sufficient extent, or we would not have 2 billion absolutely poor, of whom 36 million a year die of preventable starvation, and countless others from other poverty related aspects of want. So, I have specified what an equitable distribution of wealth would be, in the OP, for everybody's ease of reference.
You must have comprehension difficulties if you think your answer was related to the question, so let me repeat something for you, and I will try to simplify it to match your thinking ability.
If you wish for something which is already voluntary to be (more??) voluntary, or if you want people who can already choose to do something, to choose, if you want people to decide for themselves when they are already deciding for themselves, in this case I have the unfortunate task of telling you that your plan to "save the world" may just be the simplistic reasoning of a deluded mind due to an obvious (to most) flaw in your ground breaking master plan.
Just because you don't like the informed and calculated decisions some people take regarding their own personal financial affairs, it does not mean your simplistic opinion is better. Maybe, perish the thought, it's much, much worse and the consequences of your fantasy dreaming would be quite the opposite of what you wish for.
Youdon't get to keep asking people to choose to do something voluntarily until they do it your way. They've chosen. Your grand scheme is nonsense. Deal with it.
Take care, Splash
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
2RM Sanchy, when you have the time and inclination to scan in more depth, you will find ...
In case no-one has pointed it out to you, your superior, patronising tone is on par with the WT. You may be impressing yourself but noone here is impressed by it.
2RM I commend that this redistribution to occur voluntarily and charitably, according to the promptings of each individual's conscience, and with the encouragement of society in general.
Doesn't this already happen? What's different about your "commendation" compared to people already giving voluntarily according to the promptings of each individual's conscience?
hey guys, i'm working on a paper about exploitation amongst jehovah's witnesses ( i'm also preparing a book about jehovah's witnesses and interaction ritual theory, and another paper about jehovah's witnesses and discrimination against women).
i'm trying to calculate as exact figures as i can concerning how much bethelites are paid.
does anyone know the monthly stipend as of now?
Why not include Special Pioneers too?
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
So once the wealthy have had their money distributed, where's the incentive to take risks, create companies and create jobs? Why would anyone work hard to get rare and valuable skills, or choose to work in dangerous professions?
Many people would like an easy ride through life, enabling them would burden the country's finances and eventually lead to rampant inflation.
It's a pipe dream of disaster.
However much you want it there will never be this utopian dream, least of all at the expense of a system that, while not perfect, still works amazingly well.
Where do you stop? If I save my $33k each year and then build myself a big house, that would make some cry "unfair". It's just a nonsense. There would be revolution before you controlled people in such a complete way.
2017 wtbts financial statement ireland!.
Income down by 15% over the previous year.
WT say that God removes His blessing when there's unresolved sin.
Whatever the cause, long may it continue.