Here's my ranking:
- Magazine Servant. Plus: Easiest job. Minus: Stuck behind a counter so can't talk to others at meetings.
- Literature Servant. Plus: Easy job. Minus: Stock takes
- Territory Servant. Plus: Easy to manage. Software available. Minus: Nightmare when the CO comes. Need to keep maps up to date.
- TMS Assistant. Plus: work is during meeting times. minus: You may have to fix it when people don't turn up/can't do their talks.
- Accounts Servant. Plus: Everyone says it's hard (it isn't). You can siphon off money! Minus. You need to be disciplined to make it easy.
- Sound Servant. Plus: You get to beep people off when their talks go over time. Minus: You really don't get to hear any of the meeting at all.
- Hall Servant. Plus: You get to sit outside in the foyer when you want to. Minus: You are everybody's bitch.
If you're looking for a super easy ride, be an assistant to one of the MS's, eg, write the Mics schedule for the sound servant. Be a nominated 'counter' for the Accounts servant, be the backup Territory servant for when he's on holiday etc.