I like the last photo - a beer tent and a skip for the empties.
Actually this hall is a standard design from 1 to 2 decades ago.
Every hall built around that time looks identical.
i just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
I like the last photo - a beer tent and a skip for the empties.
Actually this hall is a standard design from 1 to 2 decades ago.
Every hall built around that time looks identical.
i may take my fiance to a meeting.
give them fake names and just see how my fiance reacts.
he's been curious about seeing what i hated so much about the whole thing (not that he'll really understand everything, i mean of course he never will to my extent but)... i'd like to see what an outsiders view on the whole thing would be as well.
Going to the meetings for a bit of fun is like playing with a ouija board for a bit of fun.
If something unexpected happens you might not be free of the consequences for ages afterwards.
Personally, I'd leave well alone.
new here... been lurking for some time now.... i still serve... but with each passing day, it gets harder and harder.
i'm slowly... slowly working on my wife (i call her mrs. hardcore) and even my m-i-l (who taught my wife how to be hardcore).
making some amazing progress... they are still hardcore... but unrecognizable from a couple years ago!.
If you're competent at giving talks then ignore the outline details and teach true bible principles instead.
The congregation notices when you're not the regular elder robot and they warm to you and trust you more.
You can use your position to the advantage of the congregation, until it starts to cause you too much mental stress, then you need to wind it all back, cease to qualify and begin to fade.
i looked at my statistics this morning:.
joined 11 years ago.
11 years Terry!
You are one of the best!
Here's to the next 11!
today i watched with my lovely wife the first 5 minutes of tv.jw.org broadcasting with the explanation of "this generation".. and then we discussed about the 400 million dollar in the jp morgan liquid asset funds and the new finding, the .
40 million dollar in a hedge fund at the cayman islands.
and the expected 1 billion dollar sale of property in brooklyn.. this al combined with the earlier broadcasting about the need of money that the society now has.. we concluded today, that the watch tower bible & tract society of pennsylvania is a shell company like bendini, .
Saintbertholdt 50% of the WTBTS of Pennsylvania's investment is in oil and gas.
Oh dear.
Brent Crude 1 yr
Natural Gas 1 yr
haven't read it all yet, but 15 skeletons have been found in south africa, near jo'burg... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11855405/homo-naledi-a-new-species-of-human-discovered-in-a-cave-in-south-africa.html.
within the first few minutes, mr. stewart asked geoffrey jackson if the members of the governing body consider themselves to be god's spokesperson on earth.. his response: "that would be presumptuous of us" (implying that they don't consider themselves to be god's sole channel of communication).. to me, that was the worst lie of about 26 lies he's told during this hearing.
however, mr. stewart missed an opportunity to call out mr. jackson on this bold-faced lie.
he should have asked him to explain why the watchtower magazine teaches otherwise.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I just read an old WT quote and it made me think of this topic.
Recently G Jackson said "That would be presumptuous of us", implying that they don't consider themselves to be God's sole channel of communication.
That does not tally with the WT which stated:
*** w66 1/15 p. 44 par. 10 The Value of Right Association Through Congregational Meetings ***
Never has God had more than one channel of communication at one time.
haven't read it all yet, but 15 skeletons have been found in south africa, near jo'burg... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11855405/homo-naledi-a-new-species-of-human-discovered-in-a-cave-in-south-africa.html.
Haven't read it all yet, but 15 skeletons have been found in South Africa, near Jo'burg..
today is the day.. i was baptized as one of jehovah's witnesses on march 25th 1989.disfellowshipped for admitted apostasy today, september 10th 2015.. what an amazing story we all share.
how did we get involved with this group and think this was the best way of life?.
i asked my wife to stay home from the meeting tonight and spend the evening with me.she is.... we celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary this past monday.. i must admit, i never saw any of this coming, but it couldn't have come sooner.i'm free of all the fake friendships.
It's going to be very strange to start with, but in the long term you've done an amazing thing.
If you ever wonder whether you did the right thing or not, just read some of the posts on here about their crazy, forever changing rules and teachings, and the way they treat people.
Feel sorry for those still in, there's none so blind who will not see.
check his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
Issue number 2 has only one thing to defend it, the God's Love book from 2009 where it says
"In rare instances, one Christian might commit a serious crime against another--such as rape, assault,
murder, or major theft. In such cases, it would not be unchristian to report the matter to the authorities, even
though doing so might result in a court case or a criminal trial."
It's so rare, in fact, that it has never happened in 65 years.
The WT know how to print two sides to every story and cherry pick which reference best suits them when needed.
Of course they never mentioned:
*** w04 7/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***
Paul reprimands Christians for going to court “before unbelievers.” (1 Corinthians 6:6)
*** w01 8/15 p. 23 par. 13 Have Faith Like That of Abraham! ***
Abram’s example shows that it is better to suffer financial loss than to bring reproach upon Jehovah’s name or to damage the peace of the Christian congregation.
*** w91 10/1 p. 10 par. 7 Trust in Jehovah’s Saving Arm ***
Suppose you were associated with the first-century Corinth congregation. At one time, factions threatened its unity, and toleration of immorality endangered its spirit. Believers took one another to worldly courts, and some wrangled over various matters
*** w78 9/15 p. 13 par. 8 What Does Jehovah Require of You? ***
Also, [elders] may be called on to arrive at decisions concerning fellow believers who commit serious sins. (1 Cor. 6:1-6;
*** g79 3/8 p. 12 Living with Law—Now and Forever ***
But for handling most differences between Christians, men well grounded in Biblical principles are available in the congregations. They are even now helping many to resolve such matters without the public notice and consequent reproach of court action. In some cases Christian love may even move one to “suffer injury” rather than harm the good name of the congregation before those outside.