The official JW definition of an apostate is an ex JW who has turned against the WT.
The definition that every single JW has in their own mind is someone who speaks against the WT, whether or not they were a JW in the past, and whether or not the information is true.
Looking at your list of websites, your average JW would describe any anti-JW articles as apostate articles.
This is the pre-programmed, knee jerk defence to any questioning of a WT teaching.
By labeling something 'apostate' it becomes easy to ignore and discount it.
By calling people 'disgruntled' it makes it easier to dismiss them and their complaints.
Please realise that to a JW, only the GB have the truth, so anything else is wrong, and anything else that is dangerous is apostate.
If you read this forum you will find examples where an old WT has been called apostate by loyal JW's, pretending it has somehow been altered.
The Caleb videos were originally called apostate because some thought it was from a non-WT source.
Even recorded assembly talks are called apostate if they include information that is no longer relevant and is being used to expose the WT's double speak.
In a word, 'apostate' means 'I'm not listening because you have bad motives'.
Yes, by being on this forum you are an apostate.