And then as 1975 began, so did the back pedalling.
Audio lecture given in early 1975 by Frederick W. Franz, then Vice President of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California.
18:20 "But the big questions is this "Is this year, 1975, the final year, the last year for the ingathering of the other sheep? Now we're all interested in that.... We found that just like you here, [other brothers] also were interested in this current year of 1975. What does it signify for Gods people? Is it the year, the final year, the last year for the ingathering of the other sheep before the great tribulation breaks and reaches its climax in the battle of the great day of God the almighty at Armageddon? Is this the year which will lead right on into the establishment of the day of the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, how are we to view this year?..."
38:42 "We know it's a critical year, we know we're near something, but we're not saying."
42:54 "Now our enquiries around the world of the brothers as to what they're expecting to occur between now and the end of 1975 has revealed that some are very sanguine about matters in the near future, and they're expecting the great tribulation to occur, and the destruction of Babylon the Great, and the annihilation of all the political systems of this world, and then the binding Satan and his demons and their abyssing, to occur before this year is ended, this year 1975."
44:39 "But, in view of what the scriptures inform us, are we warranted in expecting so much to occur by September the 5th 1975? Does September the 5th at sundown when the year 1976 will begin, lunar time, mean that it is time for the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ to begin? And accordingly, does it mean that we are 6,000 years advanced into the 7th day, the 7th creative day of Jehovah God, his rest day, his Sabbath day? Does it mean that? No!"
Fred Franz - Assembly Speech in Los Angeles, Feb 1975
8:40 "Now that's all it says about 1900 and 75" (crowd laughs and claps)
"And that's all we can say to John Dark, the religious editor of the Los Angeles Times, or anybody else out there in the world who wants to know what we have published regarding this critical year. We know it's a critical year, we know we're near something! But we're not saying" (Crowd roars with laughter and claps)
Finally a 21st Century Governing Body member, Stephen Lett, feels it's safe to now admit that they got 1975 wrong! Apparently the Faithful and Discreet Slave are like an overly sensitive smoke detector.
It's revealing how Lett describes the Faithful Slave as 'they' and 'them' instead of 'me' and 'us'.
00:13 "Let's just talk about some of this documented evidence that this is certainly the case. Now it's true that the Faithful Slave, at times, has had wrong expectations throughout the decades..."
00:50 "See, sometimes they've had wrong expectations, for example 1975. Many responsible ones at headquarters, they thought maybe, maybe Jehovah would bring the 1,000 year reign to begin in that year, but of course it didn't happen did it. And we're happy that literally millions have come into the Truth since 1975.... It doesn't mean the Faithful Slave is unfaithful."
1:50 "So at times the Faithful Slave maybe's been like that smoke
alarm, although they've learned from their mistakes that you really can't be
specific about Jehovah's day."