Don't ever stop posting.
jehovah's witnesses...that's the trademark of the religion, the use of the name "jehovah.
" if there is anything jws and non-jws can agree on is that this one thing sets them apart from everybody else.. i have only had witnesses come to my door less than five times since i left in the 1990s.
i guess they don't work the territory i live in often, or perhaps after that first time (which was still after the year 2000) they have marked the words "jew who knows a lot" or something in their notes on my address.
Don't ever stop posting.
what your thoughts on if gb ruled the world would elders happily administer lethal injections at head offices request ?.
There would either be a massive underground resistance or all out civil war.
Life under the GB would be anything but peaceful.
so i spoke to my elder dad the other day, and he asked if i still am sporting a beard.
i said yes, then i said, "i thought the society said its ok to have a neat trimmed beard now?
" he said "no, no, no..if you read the article , it says in countries where it is accepted" so my response was "ummm, its pretty accepted here in america"..which he says "it reflects your spirituality" "if another wittness saw you, they would know you are weak"...i was like, "ok, i don't get it, and i follow christ/god, not men..." then he said in his hall" if a brother came in with a beard , he would not have privelages" then i just gave up, and tried to change the subject..ugggggggggg if these people would just listen to themselves , they would see the sillyness of there teachings...
The beard topic is the funniest thing ever.
Elders are so serious about this and yet it is of such tiny and meaningless significance.
A beard indicates your spiritual status, a whole set of congregational rules have developed around them, it dictates what jobs you are allowed to do in the hall, it's the cause of gossip and stumbling, elders meetings are convened over them, CO's are quizzed because of them, letters are sent to Bethel for guidance on them, WT articles which mention them are microscopically studied to get whatever angle the elders want to get, the wearer is questioned about his motives and passive aggressively bullied, and the masses of unwritten inferences that are spouted as reasons to not have a beard are incredible.
The mental cartwheels that JW's have to invent to fabricate 'reasons' must leave them drained. It's so easily debunked yet they desperately cling to "well we're in charge so just do as you're told".
It's the absolute definition of insanity and mind control.
Happily this is a level of stupidity that young people can see for what it is, and at the very least make them realise that these discredited men with their ridiculous, unexplainable rules are nothing more than power tripping yes-men.
this article doesn't touch on the topic of what a parent shoud do if their teenager has made an educated decision to stop attending meetings.
but, hey...what else do you expect from the watchtower coporation?.
Myth: Parents who are Jehovah’s Witnesses force their children to follow their faith.
Fact: Witness parents strive to inculcate love for God in their offspring, just as the Bible commands them to. Nevertheless, they realize that when a child becomes an adult, he or she will make a personal choice with regard to worship.
This is a puff piece for them to reference whenever they find themselves in difficulty because a child has been kicked out the home or forced to get baptised at 10 and now regrets it etc.
This 'go-to' article will prove that the error was with the parents, not the organisations instructions.
On the plus side, this is now ammunition young ones can use whenever they feel pressured to go to meetings and are being faced with that exact "while you're under my roof" scenario.
Hopefully this has just stripped JW parents of their biggest controlling argument.
this year’s “don’t give up” convention encourages theocratic welfare.
brother pioneer is doing a lot of carting and having trouble making ends meet.
his landlord doesn’t get it and decides to evict him and his wife.. .
(After showing the video)
"Brothers, have you noticed someone in your congregation who is putting Jehovah first but suffering financial difficulties under Satan's system? Do you have the means to help that brother? Remember, Jehovah is not quick to forget your acts of loving kindness to one another."
"Maybe there's no-one in your congregation who needs such help. In that case, wouldn't it show loyalty to Jehovah to help his organisation by means of your unrighteous riches, so that there may be an equalizing among you?"
"Jehovah loves such acts of kindness."
i was looking around from some information on the wt's stance concerning the use of stem cells, and i came across this article on a defending jehovah's witnesses blog.. rather than informing the reader all that much about stem cells, the author diverts the conversation into a discussion of "blood fractions" (*note: the term "blood fractions" appears to be another one of those wt bloodspeak terms coined by the wt.
"blood components" or "blood products" are the terms used more frequently by the medical world.
"fractions" implies tiny amounts).
It really doesn't matter what justifications or so-called logic is applied to this teaching, the GB could turn around tomorrow, say it was all wrong, give new 'scriptural' reasons and everyone would have to believe and obey those instead.
It's a blind faith.
This was interesting too:
since the Scriptures are silent regarding such fractions the Witnesses leave this up to one's personal choice
The scriptures are silent regarding the four components of blood, but Witnesses have no freedom of choice whether to accept these or not.
WT logic is anything but logical.
'jehovah's witness (1 per cent) did not attend but will be involved in round two of negotiations — one-on-one meetings with the minister's department.
on the abuse compensation scheme reported on the abc.
so they will go into the ministers office with their slickest new lawyers and hope to bullshit the minsters staff.
From the report: "the Commonwealth is setting up a scheme with payments not exceeding $150,000."
So for the 1,732 victims listed in the ARC's JW file x $150,000 AUS = $260 million AUS, max WT payout. Likely much less.
Sounds like a good use of 'dedicated funds'.
(john 5:28, 29) "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out".
what would this mean?take a look at this 7 min video to see:what if every human ever born came back to life today?.
(John 5:28, 29) "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out"
What would this mean?here's a document from the time, which exposed 1975 as it was unfolding.. i've also attached a document which is an unstructured collection of 1975 observations, reasoning on the wt teachings and comments, and looking at how they republished certain books with changes to hide their 1975 teachings etc.. if anyone fancies sorting through these they might find a new angle not previously considered.. however the bottom line is that there is a ton of evidence that wt were pedaling 1975 to the masses for years.how they try to turn around today to pretend otherwise is nothing short of hypocritical cowardice..
Here's a document from the time, which exposed 1975 as it was unfolding.
I've also attached a document which is an unstructured collection of 1975 observations, reasoning on the WT teachings and comments, and looking at how they republished certain books with changes to hide their 1975 teachings etc.
If anyone fancies sorting through these they might find a new angle not previously considered.
However the bottom line is that there is a ton of evidence that WT were pedaling 1975 to the masses for years.
How they try to turn around today to pretend otherwise is nothing short of hypocritical cowardice.
this is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
wifibandit I have extracted most of the mp3's. Files 3,8 & 10 didn't work for me.
Files 3, 8 and 10 are mp4, not mp3.