An elder was telling me about a sister who had just stopped pioneering.
His exact words were "she's no use to us now".
let's here some stories of good samaritan conduct , i asked an elder so called friend once could my son sleep on garage floor for a couple of days due to work , the answer was no due to son not believing..
An elder was telling me about a sister who had just stopped pioneering.
His exact words were "she's no use to us now".
in newcastle town centre.
uk.. the chronicle live.
15 june 2017.. a council worker will stand trial after he was accused of being drunk at the wheel of his road sweeper in newcastle city centre.. john paul carruthers, who has since resigned from his post at newcastle city council, was allegedly over the legal drink-drive limit when he ploughed into a jehovah’s witness stand on northumberland street near to haymarket metro station.. prosecuting, james long told newcastle magistrates’ court: “the allegation is that he was driving a newcastle city council road sweeper when he collided first with a jehovah’s witness stand next to haymarket metro station.
sparrowdown Nobody was hurt ???
Apparently not.
The road sweeper drove into the cart, not the nearby Starbucks.
In his defense he said the roadsweeper was trialling new software that automatically homed in on road side rubbish.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
There is far too much speculation and political opportunism at the moment.
There's far too much buck passing here too. Noone will hold their hands up for this.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
Waton, you're right
Just watching it on the news right now, it's heartbreaking. So much sadness. So much distress. I've never seen such a thing, a funeral pyre would not have ignited so rapidly. I wonder how many bodies are still in there.
It's heartening to see the community response there.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
ShirleyW That's a joke, right?
News reports say that the local churches are providing food and shelter and organising collections and volunteers.
If that's what Satan's organisation has managed, how much more love must be being shown by Jehovah's organisation?
That and an advertising trolley.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
There are 8 congregations (not k.halls) within 1.5 miles of that disaster.
In the spirit of charity and Christian kindness, I hope they have been able to organise some relief for those affected.
Looks like this is one child who will not be baptised at 10 years old.
hello everyone, it's been a while since i've posted anything on here so i thought i might give an update.
next month i turn 18 and my mom is constantly berating me about getting baptized, so much so that my siblings have even told her to stop.
ive just been flat out telling her no which i know is irritating her.
Thanks for sharing your situation.
Can I ask, did you, or do your siblings research everything online?
I keep hearing that kids today look up everything online so I was interested to hear your view.
You are very smart to avoid baptism. This is the metal hook that they string you up with for the rest of your life. The alternative is a final showdown with your mum and it won't be pleasant.
alright.... so in another thread, most of us have been counseled for some lame stuff, and the responses range from funny to shocking.. now, let's focus on you giving counsel to others.
come on, don't be shy!.
i'll begin:.
The BEST counsel came from a 1915 July WT:
Question.--If the I.B.S.A. headquarters should promulgate methods not understood or approved by us are we to apply Rev. 18:4, "Come out of her, My people," and if so, how?
Answer.--I think if the I.B.S.A. can be shown to be a section of Babylon, we all ought to get out of it.
i know that other early dates are well documented leading up to 1975. it did seemed that the wts learned to stop setting dates, but i seem to recall talk about the 20th century will certainly be the last according to god's perfect timing.
i can't recall specifically where i heard such blatant rhetoric though.. anyone?
Here are 10 references spanning about 30 years:
1961 Feb 22 p. 7
That now-operating kingdom in heaven will, within the twentieth century, cleanse the entire
earth of wickedness... Can you not see that the twentieth century is the century indicated by the prophetic language of Matthew
24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and 2 Timothy 3?
1961 Feb 22 p. 8 it not only logical that whatever else is recorded in these above-mentioned Bible chapters
must also come upon the twentieth
century? ... Revelation 16:16 calls it the "war of the great day of God the Almighty," Armageddon. This war will come in the twentieth century. ...Now is the time to heed Bible prophecy
concerning the twentieth century and live forever in the sunshine of
God's new world.
1962 July 22 p. 32
But how many realize that it contains information of special interest to those of us who
live in this climactic twentieth century?
Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah (1971) p. 216 para.9
"Shortly, within our twentieth
century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin against
the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."
True Peace and Security (1973) p. 72-73 para. 7-8
"What does [God's] word say regarding our day?
It describes events of this twentieth
Your Kingdom Come (1981) p.11 in our 20th century, we have
come to the time for harvest — "a conclusion of a system of
things, and the reapers are angels"!
Watchtower 1984 March 1 pp.18-19
"Some of that "generation" could survive until the end of the century. But there are
many indications that "the end" is much closer than that!"
True Peace and Security (1986) p. 69 para. 3
"The Bible clearly describes events of this 20th century"
Revelation Climax (1988 - removed from the
1996 revision) chap. 34 p. 246 par. 1
The John class today also wonders with great
wonderment as events unfold in fulfillment of the prophetic vision. If people
of the world could see it, they would exclaim, 'Incredible!' and the world's
rulers would echo, 'Unthinkable!' But the vision becomes a startling 20th-century reality.
Watchtower 1989 January 1 p.12 (loose copy magazine):
"He was laying a
foundation for a work that would be completed
in our 20th century."