The Aleph Bet (hebrew) or Alpha Beta (Greek) are the building blocks of biblical comprehension.
Respect to everyone who has the determination to dig a little deeper and understand a little more.
after learning the alphabet no other education required.
history would be distorted, science rejected.
i'm surprised that gb didn't realise there is big money in education, big tony could be the professor of bullshit..
The Aleph Bet (hebrew) or Alpha Beta (Greek) are the building blocks of biblical comprehension.
Respect to everyone who has the determination to dig a little deeper and understand a little more.
the edinburgh city observatory sits atop calton hill at the east end of the city centre adjacent to burn's monument, scotland's national monument modelled on the parthenon, and nelson's monument with the time ball that falls at 1pm every day except sundays.. .
the second astronomer royal of edinburgh was charles piazzi smyth (jan. 1819 - feb. 1900).
smyth was a man of many and varied interests including meteorology, producing weather observations that still form an important part of uk climate records to this day.. building on the work of james taylor, smyth became fascinated by the great pyramid of egypt at giza.
Fabulous Cofty. Absolutely fabulous.
I must make my way up north very soon.
I might combine it with a whiskey tasting tour 😁
Now get to bed 😃
the video was posted directly to a pro-jw facebook page.
i cant believe what i'm hearing... actually, nothing surprises be about this cult anymore.. didn't they say to the judge in the arc that they dont discourage college?.
Gerrit Losch Claims JW's Attending College Are Spiritually Weak
Unless you have been sent to college by the WT Bethel, in which case you are extra spiritual.
loyalty—part of the new personality (s-341a-18-e 5/17).
note to the circuit overseer:.
use this outline for the tuesday service talk from september 2017 through february 2018. you will need to prepare your own 30-minute service talk for use after the watchtower study.
So for the faithful who have remained loyal their entire lives, they are now being browbeaten with more demands for loyalty. No commendation or lightening of the load, just warnings, threats, intimidation. STAY LOYAL.
Even the local needs part says "Show how the congregation can make the improvement over the next several months".
What you have been doing is not enough. Make improvements. Do more. You're still not good enough. Work harder.
Is it any wonder that so many are at breaking point.
an inquiry will be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead, the prime minister has confirmed.. it will establish the causes of the "appalling injustice" that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
nhs patients were given blood products that were infected with diseases, such as hepatitis c and hiv.. families of those who died will be consulted about what form the inquiry should take.. it could be a public hillsborough-style inquiry or a judge-led statutory inquiry, prime minister theresa may confirmed.. the prime minister's spokesman said: "it is a tragedy that has caused immeasurable hardship and pain for all those affected and a full inquiry to establish the truth of what happened is the right course of action to take.. "it is going to be a wide-ranging inquiry.".
That BBC report says the diseases were transmitted when patients accepted the blood clotting fraction "Factor VIII":
BBC: They needed regular treatment with a clotting agent Factor VIII, which is made from donated blood.
JW's can't claim they were protected from this danger because it is a blood fraction, not one of the four banned components.
*** w00 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***
For example, clotting factor VIII has been given to hemophiliacs, who bleed easily. Or if someone is exposed to certain diseases, doctors might prescribe injections of gamma globulin, extracted from the blood plasma of people who already had immunity.... Should Christians accept these fractions in medical treatment? We cannot say. The Bible does not give details, so a Christian must make his own conscientious decision before God.
a cross-dressing jehovah’s witness raped and molested a girl while making her wear adult women’s clothes.. david fuge, 69, wore dresses and silky underwear when he repeatedly abused his blindfolded victim from the age of eight to 19.. .
liverpool crown court heard he gagged her and on one occasion tied a belt around her neck and left her hanging from a hook in a room.. he photographed the child naked, made her read pornographic magazines, beat her with a piece of wood and abused her at a golf course.. .
List of elders for the Wallasey South congregation.
This offender was not one of them.
there are a number of defendants being sued by the trustee.
two are jw's from vancouver lower mainland.
this b--ch started the business in vancouver and then took it to washington.. here is the list of defendants.. lls america llc, debtor.
JWs are susceptible to these scams for a number of reasons.
They are conditioned to trust other JWs and not dig beyond superficial claims.
They are insulated from the real world so often lack street smarts.
They are prevented from getting better education which teaches critical thinking or financial acumen.
They often have a basic income and financial struggles which easy money would fix.
WT are responsible for inflicting all of these handicaps on JWs because it serves their agenda. Unfortunately it also makes JWs more vulnerable to other malevolent agendas besides the WTs.
#1 protein functional redundancy comparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things..
#2 dna functional redundancy comparison of the dna that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy..
#3 ervs endogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins..
Beaujolais is a good companion to duck pâté.
i finally found the questions from readers i was looking for.. from nov 1, 1999 wt .
it says.... questions from readershow do jehovah’s witnesses view voting?there are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself.
w99 11/1 those who have a part in voting a person into office may become responsible for what he does. (Compare 1 Timothy 5:22, The New English Bible.) Christians have to consider carefully whether they want to shoulder that responsibility.
By this Bible backed reasoning (?), when the elders appoint a MS and he uses his position to abuse children, the elders may be responsible for what that MS does.
What about when the GB or holy spirit appoint an elder who abuses children. Who may be responsible for what that abuser does?
Who would want to be an elder with this ridiculous level of reasoning?
mohammad will style your hair — and slit your throat.
posted on june 29, 2017 by baron bodissey.
mohammad hussain rashwani is a syrian “refugee” who came to germany for a better life.
If he cut his own finger in the process he will seek (and probably get) industrial injury compensation.