Fisherman Who has the authority to determine whether or not any WT teaching is wrong?
You don't need authority to do that, just a little bit of common sense and honesty.
isn't it unbelievable that a jehovah's witness must accept whatever the organization says or they can be disfellowshipped??
unless they tell you that their understanding has changed, you cannot believe anything unless they say it's ok. .
many years ago i questioned them about their ridiculous view that whenever the word "heart" was mentioned, it was a literal blood filled organ.
Fisherman Who has the authority to determine whether or not any WT teaching is wrong?
You don't need authority to do that, just a little bit of common sense and honesty.
so ... situation:.
a baptized married couple, with no privileges that we know of, have opened their home to 2 unmarried regular pioneers because of the pioneers' financial issues (limited income).. - husband works from home.
- wife doesn't work and stays home or in service.
Drearyweather I think the rumors could be true.
Spoken like a true JW.
when originally explaining the "new generations" splaine used the example of joseph and his brothers.. he backed up the time difference between the original anointed, and the new ones by using what he said was a big age difference between the youngest "joseph" and his oldest brothers.. then more recently in a jw broadcast - he said that there was not a big age difference between joseph and his oldest brother.. can any one help me find both those, please?.
This thread references one of the items you are trying to source:
august 11, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: 2018 memorial invitations and date of special talk .
the 2018 memorial will be held on saturday, march 31, 2018.. the 2019 memorial will be held on friday, april 19, 2019..
So it's a "special" campaign is it?
Special, special, special. Everything is special.
Special pioneers! Mmm, yes, they're special.
Special assembly days! Super special!
Now you can be special too by joining this special campaign.
Considering every other public talk feels the need to give a "dictionary definition" of some word everyone already understands, they should take another look at what it means to have something that's special.
the uk are tightening up their data protection laws to make it easier for individuals to get hold of the information organisations hold on them and to get it deleted.. i think paul grundy (jwfacts) went through this with wt once and found it very time consuming and difficult.. will wt now abide by the law and hand over or permanently delete the records it keeps when requested?it would mean every uk exjw could have their report card info, personal file with age, sex, baptism date, judicial information, appointment/deletion/disfellowshipping dates, letters of disassociation, letters of recommendation when you move, phone number and address permanently removed.
anyone acting for the wt (elders) who retain this information, eg your phone number in their phone or the secretary keeping your historical monthly report details, will be in violation.
failure to comply will incur a fine.. expect a letter to all boe's any time soon explaining why this does not apply to them..
The UK are tightening up their data protection laws to make it easier for individuals to get hold of the information organisations hold on them and to get it deleted.
I think Paul Grundy (jwfacts) went through this with WT once and found it very time consuming and difficult.
Will WT now abide by the law and hand over or permanently delete the records it keeps when requested?
It would mean every UK exJW could have their report card info, personal file with age, sex, baptism date, judicial information, appointment/deletion/disfellowshipping dates, letters of disassociation, letters of recommendation when you move, phone number and address permanently removed. Anyone acting for the WT (elders) who retain this information, eg your phone number in their phone or the secretary keeping your historical monthly report details, will be in violation. Failure to comply will incur a fine.
Expect a letter to all BOE's any time soon explaining why this does not apply to them.
ever see brother ugly who is 86 being taken to the doctor by sister frigid who is 65 and also not good looking?
they have to have a chaperone or at least sit in back and front seats.
or a man who can't bring the freezing daughter in the house when he stopped briefly by because hubby is not home.
I once took an older sister out on field service in my car.
She went to get in the back seat.
I told her to get in the front or walk - I'm not a taxi. She saw the stupidity of it and climbed in the front.
No sex.
i was wondering if someone could help me with a question.. i am a rookie exjw, i only left the organization 4 months ago and everything i've discovered (un/arc/malawi/mexico etc) i've only discovered in the last few months so you can image it's been a huge shock to me especially after after 50 yrs!.
every time i think i've heard everything, something else pops up.. now i've come across a youtube video that mention tv evangelizer jimmy swaggart and the watchtower.
i remember jimmy swaggart from the time i lived in the u.s.a and i remember the scandals with him and prostitutes etc.
Key dates:
'Jimmy Swaggart Ministries' is informed by the State of California that tax is
due on all publications sold since 1974 in the state. The total of which is
$183,000.00. Swaggart pays the tax but sues for a refund. This puts the wheels
in motion for the case moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court.
U.S. Supreme Court rules sales taxes must be paid for religious publications
sold. Although some states had been taxing religious publications from the
start, Texas along with 14 other states were not doing so previously.
During the U.S District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower
Society gives away books for free. Instruction is provided to Jehovah's
Witnesses to place "donations" for covering costs in the Contribution
boxes located throughout the faculty.
22, 1989
The Watchtower Society files a "friend of the court" brief (amicus
curiae) with the U.S. Supreme Court in the Jimmy Swaggart taxation case. This
places the Watchtower Society with other religious organizations performing
similar acts, such as Krishna Consciousness and the National Council of
17, 1990
U.S. Supreme Court upholds that sales tax must be paid on all religious
publications ruling against Jimmy Swaggart,
9, 1990
Watchtower Society prepares a letter to be sent and read to all congregations
announcing that literature will no longer be sold but offered at a
"donation" basis.
25, 1990
Watchtower Society's letter is read to the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses
throughout the U.S. The reason given in the letter? Ironically even after
filing a friend of the court, it states... "By adopting a method of literature distribution based completely on
donation, Jehovah's people are able to greatly simplify our Bible education
work and separate ourselves from those who commercialize religion."
1, 1990
"donation arrangement" goes into effect, including distributing
magazines and books door-to-door without stating a price. Since they had
already been printed, the March 15, 1990 Watchtower and the March 22nd Awake
still carried a 25 cents a copy and 5 dollars a year listing in their
respective magazine. If this was such a well thought out and planned move by a
so-called Godly directed organization, why were the prices still there after
such a planned adjustment? The reason is it was not planned, not thought out,
and not God directed. It was a quick business decision to avoid taxation, but
the brothers worldwide were spun an entirely different story.
*** km 3/90 p. 3 Announcements ***
Literature offer for March: The Bible—God's Word or Man's? for a contribution of $1.00. April and May: WT subscription. One-year subscriptions to semimonthly editions are $5.00. One-year subscriptions to monthly editions and six-month subscriptions to semimonthly editions are $2.50. Where the subscription is not obtained, two magazines and a copy of any brochure, except the School brochure, may be offered for the contribution of 80¢. June: Survival Into a New Earth for the contribution of $1.00.
*** km 4/90 p. 7 Announcements ***
Literature offer for April and May: Watchtower subscription. One-year subscriptions to semimonthly editions are available on a complete donation basis. Six-month subscriptions to semimonthly editions and one-year subscriptions to monthly editions can also be obtained. When the subscription is not obtained, two magazines and a copy of any brochure, except the School brochure, may be offered. June: Survival Into a New Earth. July and August: Any 32-page brochure, except the School brochure.
hi everyone.. well, i have some good news.
after having a terrible moment arguing with my mom about the 1914 teaching and all it evolves (she get really upset and i felt great regret for starting the argument) she came to me next day and started talking with a much more open mind, and she talked about a lot of concerns too.. she and my father naivily expressed the wish to write to bethel to ask about 607bc.
i told in all the possible ways it wouldn't work.
Use the Insight book. By adding up the how long each king was reigning, WT actually contradict their own 607BCE date:
"List of Kings" it-1 p. 425 |
Watchtower Quote |
Year |
Babylon fell 539 B.C.E, End of Belshazzar’s Rule |
"The End of Belshazzar’s Rule. On the night of October 5, 539 B.C.E." it-1 pp. 284 Belshazzar |
539 B.C.E |
"October 5, 539 B.C.E. (Gregorian calendar), when Babylon fell before the invading Medo-Persian armies under the command of Cyrus the Great." - it-1 236 Babylon, History |
Plus Nabonidus |
"On the basis of cuneiform texts he is believed to have ruled some seventeen years(556-539 B.C.E.)." it-2 p. 457 Nabonidus |
+17 years |
Plus Labashi-Marduk |
"Labashi-Marduk, a vicious boy, succeeded him, and was assassinated within nine months." w65 1/1 p. 29 |
+1 year |
Plus Neriglissar |
"For Neriglissar... contract tablets are known dated to his fourth year." it-1 pp. 453 Chronology |
+4 years |
Plus Evil-Merodach |
"Evil-merodach reigned two years" w65 1/1 p. 29 |
+2 years |
Plus Nebuchadnezzar |
"Nebuchadnezzar ruled as king for 43 years" it-2 pp.482 Nebuchadnezzar |
+43 years |
Equals Start of Nebuchadnezzar's reign |
Calculated by adding above figures |
606 B.C.E. |
Minus Nebuchadnezzar's 19th year |
-19 years |
Date for Destruction of Jerusalem= |
539 B.C.E +17 +1 +4 +2 +43 -19 = |
587 B.C.E. |
if a jw gets drunk on an occasion, he could get a pass if it was in private, if however in public there's a much greater chance of disfellowshipping as the sin has now "maligned the reputation of the congregation".
i got this through michael sherlock's fb page, he likes to expose religious nuts,.
JWs sue because they have suffered loss and need to hold someone as culpable.
The fingers should naturally point to themselves or the organisation but their minds don't permit this logic.
It's heinous to constrain a surgeon against their best experience, training and advice, then try to punish them for the consequences, yet JWs have no other option unless they face the reality that the organisations policies are the reason their loved one died.
a nearby star, ross 128, about 11 light years away, seems to be putting out some rather remarkable radio waves.
discovered by the arecibo observatory in puerto rico (the one shown in the move contact) other observatories like the allen telescope array are set to begin observations in the next couple of days to make sure the signal really is coming from interstellar space and isn't caused by instrument malfunction or radio waves bouncing off satellites.
it could be anything at this point (but very-very unlikely aliens).
JW_Rogue I for one am determined not believe any evidence
Good for you. The best thing you can do with evidence which disagrees with our unprovable beliefs is reject it without a second thought.
Who needs facts anyway? The stupid things just get in the way of religious belief. I tell you, if the Bible said there was no such thing as our sun then I'd believe it.
That crafty satan will do anything to make us question things. Can you imagine, questioning our beliefs. How ridiculous. My father gave me these beliefs so I know they're right. He knew they were right too because a stranger told him so.
Scientists? Just let them wait until Armageddon proves every last word of theirs wrong. We would be so much better off if we could get rid of all the sciences.