Income down by 15% over the previous year.
WT say that God removes His blessing when there's unresolved sin.
Whatever the cause, long may it continue.
2017 wtbts financial statement ireland!.
Income down by 15% over the previous year.
WT say that God removes His blessing when there's unresolved sin.
Whatever the cause, long may it continue.
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Bobby2446 Because there is a fundamental principle that governs all civilized societies; INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. The presumption is always that of innocence.
Try telling that to the WT.
the watchtower flip flop book contains two quotes where the watchtowerincludes itself as a religious cult.
and a quote showing that "newlight" is something other religious teachers practice.
the watchtowerflip flop book contains 1,654 pages of quotes and scans of nearlyevery flip flop you can imagine.the golden age, april 25th, 1923"and as we let our light shine we must not forget to be courteous,kind, tolerant and sympathetic toward our fellows.
Thanks Atlantis!
Here's a slightly more up-to-date version of one of those documents (Dec 2017) with an additional 50 pages of research.
we urgently need to offer "resistance strategy" help to pimos who are likely to be harassed by elders seeking their consent for wtbt$ to leech their data.
what questions could pimos ask elders, that elders would be unable to answer?
(thus buying time, because elder would need to "check with branch").
"Can I fulfill all of my scriptural obligations without signing the form? If not, which scriptural obligations are affected, and why?"
"In the instructions you received for getting people to sign this form, does it say that you must not pressure people to sign it? That being so, if I refuse to sign it, should that be the end of the matter?"
"If you wish to speak to me about my refusal to sign the form, would you object if I recorded the discussion?"
does anyone one here remember any articles in the watchtower in the nineteen sixties or seventies that specifically stated the that the witnesses should refrain from having children because of the proximity of armageddon?.
i guess i should never have made a bound fire with my thirty years of bound volumes lol.
NO - w1887 Feb. Vol VIII R901 pg.3
The time is short; so that they [of us] who have wives should be as if they had none. The establishing of an earthly home and the rearing of an earthly family, which is generally regarded as the principal business of life, should not be the ambition of the saints...
NO - w1938 Nov. 1, p. 324)
"...mark the words of Jesus, which definitely seem to discourage the bearing of children immediately before or during Armageddon....It would therefore appear that there is no reasonable or scriptural injunction to bring children into the world immediately before Armageddon, where we now are."
NO - Face the Facts (1938) pp.46,50
"Would it be Scripturally proper for them to now marry and to begin to rear children? No, is the answer, which is supported by the Scripture. Those Jonadabs who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone"
NO - Children (1941) p. 312-313
"Should men and women, both of whom are Jonadabs or "other sheep" of the Lord now marry before Armageddon and bring forth children? They may choose to do so but the admonition or advice of the scriptures appears to be against it... That would appear to indicate it would be proper that those who will form the "great multitude" should wait until after Armageddon to bring children into the world."
YES - w51 6/15 p. 362 On Service Tour in New Zealand
From the Scriptures it was shown that it is proper for Christians to marry and the purpose of marriage is the rearing of children.
NO - w71 4/1 p. 214 Preach God's Kingdom with the Right Viewpoint
In modern times, among the many examples that might be cited is that of the young American couple that had settled down in a fine home and were planning to raise a family. Then one day the husband came home and said to his wife: 'Just what difference is there between us and the people of Christendom? We are contenting ourselves with mere token service when there is nothing to keep us from being in the full-time ministry. Let's quit our secular jobs, sell our home and enter the full-time pioneer ministry.' His wife gulped, for she had been looking forward to the joys of motherhood, to bearing and rearing a number of children. But she went to Jehovah in prayer and asked his help. And he did help her. So they entered the pioneer ministry and in a few years were invited to attend the Gilead missionary school.
NO - w88 3/1 pp. 21-22 par. 17 Childbearing Among God's People
Interestingly, during all this pre-Flood period, Noah's sons and their wives had no children. The apostle Peter specifically states that 'eight souls were carried safely through the water,' that is, four married couples but no children. (1 Peter 3:20) The sons' remaining childless was possibly for two reasons. First... they had a divinely appointed job to do that required their undivided attention. Second, they doubtless felt disinclined to bring children into... a world "full of violence." This is not to say that the course of action taken by Noah's sons and their wives before the Deluge was meant to set the rule for married couples living today. Nevertheless, since Jesus compared Noah's day to the period in which we are now living, their example can provide food for thought.
IT'S YOUR CHOICE - w88 3/1 p. 26 par. 14 Responsible Childbearing in This Time of the End
So the matter of childbearing in this time of the end is a personal one that each couple must decide for itself. However, since "the time left is reduced," married couples would do well to weigh carefully and prayerfully the pros and cons of childbearing in these times.
NO - Jeremiah book (2010 - Studied 2013) chap 8 p.94-95 par. 7 Will You "Keep Living," as Did Jeremiah?
6 What relevance is there in God's command that Jeremiah not marry or have children? Today, some loyal Christians are unmarried or have no children. Consider first that Jeremiah was to remain childless. Jesus did not command his followers to abstain from having children. Yet, it is noteworthy that he pronounced "woe" on pregnant women or those nursing a baby when tribulation came on Jerusalem in 66-70 C.E. That time would be especially difficult for them, given their situation. We now face a greater tribulation. This should add a dimension for Christian couples who are deciding whether to have children. While each couple must decide if they will have children, Jeremiah's case is worth considering.
NO - w2016/4 p.9 Par.17 Being Faithful Leads To Gods' Approval
17. (b) How do the words at Hebrews 6:10-12 encourage you to be self sacrificing?
Thousands of young Christian men and women are willingly sacrificing marriage or are not having children—at least for now—in order to serve Jehovah to the full. Older ones too may be sacrificing the time they could otherwise spend with their children and grandchildren in order to work on theocratic construction projects or to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers and to serve in areas where the need for Kingdom publishers is greater... Such wholehearted service brings deep joy to Jehovah, who will never forget their work and the love shown for him. (Read Hebrews 6:10-12) Would it be possible for you to make additional sacrifices to serve Jehovah more fully?
Note: 130 years after first being told not to, JW's are still being cautioned against having children.
Besides, in the new system there will be no children:
Golden Age 1930, April 2. Page 446 Bible Questions and Answers
"The Scriptures do not reveal what the relationship of men and women will be after the resurrection is completed. The most that we know is that there will be no children born during the last 100 years of the Millennium (Isa. 65: 20), nor any born after that, because men and women do not have children after they reach the age of 100 years."
Note: If JW's aren't meant to have children, where did Caleb and Sophia come from?
the guardian (uk), monday, march 26, 2018. mps are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in jehovah’s witness communities in the uk.. “i am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the jehovah’s witness movement.
whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the labour mp sarah champion.. she said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take actionto make sure all children were safe.. alex chalk, the conservative mp for cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just an historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.. “my instinctive thoughts are that the sheer numbers and seriousness of the allegations coming forward is concerning ... if even half the allegations coming to light are true then it’s clear that an entrenched culture of cover-up and flawed in-house investigations continues to this day,” chalk said.. champion said she was concerned that victims had to report their abuse to elders, without independent scrutiny.. she also expressed concern that abuse claims can only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it.
“abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” champion said.. read full article:
The WT have used their financial muscle and free lawyers to bully individuals into submission for years.
Let's see how they deal with governments holding them to account.
what can i do when elders want to poke their nose in?.
they want to have another chat with me and my wife, but we dont want to, it just gets us down..
The power to refuse them is within you but you need to own it.
As JWs we were indoctrinated that saying No to an elder was wrong. Lose that idea. You're an adult, assert yourself and you'll feel amazing and empowered.
watchtower telephone booksdownload1999
To make personal outside calls: Dial *88, your seven-digit personnel number, your two-digit PIN, 9, and the outside number.
The level of spying and control is so bad that you can't even make an outside call without it being logged against your name. This is authoritarian paranoia on a grand scale.
The culture of suspicion and distrust that exists in the congregations comes directly from the top. It an unhealthy organisation through and through.
i haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
I was once at a meeting where the WT conductor was trading personal insults with another elder in the audience, via the question/answer format.
It's not uncommon for elders to have animosity between themselves - it often involves particularly self righteous and proud elders who love to have their ego's stroked.
Jesus was right, a house divided against itself cannot stand.
We get the benefit of standing to the side and watching them devour each other.
ek johnathon has written three brilliant books and made them free for everybody to read.
I have filled out a form and hope i will be going to chelsmford in 2019 :)
Even people in the world now are saying that further education is a waste of time and money, looks like the borg were correct about that one
If not JWs then who else comes closest?
If they are not JWs then there are no Gods people on earth today, period.
Its either the Bible, then JWs are the closest to the truth, or the old 19century science theory of evolution. But 21 century science has proved the old 19 century theory wrong.
What is the other alternative to JWs?
I will never give in even on threat of death. I love Jehovah
Jesus said those who have love amongst themselves. Well that is only Jws on a world wide scale. When in war time, which other groups will never take up arms and fight, even on threat of death. Only Jws.
I deny blood on Jehovahs peoples hands, Jehovahs people never ever partake in any wars, what on earth are you referring to?
Still a lot of wishy washy answers, if not JWs then what other options? (x10)
If there is one option nearer the truth what is it? (x10)
Its all down to the increasing use of digital media. We dont need so much printing as we did before.
The more you study the more you realise just how little we know, just human wisdom can not compare with the wisdom of Jehovah the loving creator.
They are NOT discouraging having children, or spending time with them. They are praising the hard working self sacrificing brother and sisters who put Jehovah ahead of personal interests.
Think how Jehovah feels about such self sacrificing Brothers and Sisters?
The good news will be preached in ALL the nations. Matthew 24:14. It is being fulfilled, but only by Jehovahs people.
I do not believe anything gets covered over. The policy is, if a paedophile infiltrates the JWs then the police are notified right away.
I still cant find a better alternative. Until I do I will stick to JWs.
Formerbrother, are you really a Former brother?