In your creation section I would use the genesis verse about the stars being placed there for signs and seasons, then ask how they could have even been seen from Earth if there was a water canopy over the Earth.
Posts by Splash
Notes I drafted for a local JW at a cart
by Doug Mason inin recent weeks, a grizzled old man, obviously harmless, has been engaging with a nice lady as she regularly stands by her cart displaying watchtower material.. on monday, she eagerly wanted to know what this old man thought of the book she gave him, "what does the bible really teach?".
when this old man posed some questions, she was very keen for him to write them down.. she also promised to provide facts that earthquakes proved we are living in the last days.. anyway, to make a short story longer, the old man drafted questions and observations on the topics that were covered.. would you please criticise the stuff that this old man has drafted for his next encounter.
any help, anything at all, is most keenly looked for.
EU Court Ruling Against WT on Data-Protection
by cofty intoday's london times reports on the july ruling of the eu court that forces the organisation country to comply with data protection.. the action originated in finland but the ruling will affect every eu country.
the cult tried unsuccessfully to argue that the notes taken by jws in the door-to-door work were personal and not accessed by the congregation.
the court ruled that they are acting under the auspices of the congregation and therefore they must comply with data-protection laws.. keeping lists of do-not-calls also falls under this ruling.. why does the cult always feel that it is above the law?.
Alive! The point is that personal records/notes are kept
This is important.
The ruling doesn't care if the notes are shared, they just care that an organised effort exists to collect information in the first place. It also doesn't matter whether the notes are hand written or stored digitally.
These notes now fall under the revised EU data protection law.
EU Court Ruling Against WT on Data-Protection
by cofty intoday's london times reports on the july ruling of the eu court that forces the organisation country to comply with data protection.. the action originated in finland but the ruling will affect every eu country.
the cult tried unsuccessfully to argue that the notes taken by jws in the door-to-door work were personal and not accessed by the congregation.
the court ruled that they are acting under the auspices of the congregation and therefore they must comply with data-protection laws.. keeping lists of do-not-calls also falls under this ruling.. why does the cult always feel that it is above the law?.
I wonder if there will ever be a letter read to the congregations to explain this ruling and what that means for future door to door note taking.
My guess is that it will just be ignored and everything will go on as usual.
JW org collapses
by I Faded Twice inok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
One reason why I think the WT will continue is that most of the projections of WT doom are based on their current policies and activities.
WT has changed a great deal over the past 5 years: down sizing, cutting printing and convention releases, requesting money, selling properties, boosting their legal team, going online. They are reacting to various pressures and will continue to do so.
They are definitely past their prime and under pressure, but without a major change such as losing charity status or the GB in prison, they have years left in them yet.
JW org collapses
by I Faded Twice inok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
Part of their decline is in the makeup of the congregations.
At one time Kingdom Halls were filled with every age group. My hall had about 50 youths (13 - 20 years old) during the late 1980's, but this doesn't exist anywhere anymore.
Today's Kingdom Hall is full of the ageing and aged, a few born-ins now in their 30's (often single women), and the occasional single mother and her children.
Also, the increase comes mostly from within. WT figures show that it is taking longer and longer to bring in new members. This trend, along with the dieing off of old ones, is not healthy or sustainable.
Anyone know the significance of the three days and nights Jesus is dead?
by Crazyguy inin my studies i’ve come to realize that most dying and rising gods such as inanna, jesus and others all were dead three days and nights.
the moon is dead as far as man not being able to see it in the sky three days and nights but many of these gods are not associated with the moon, osiris maybe being the only exception.
have any of you in your research come up with a plausible idea on why there all dead just threes days and three nights?.
It fulfills the prophecy of the Sign Of Jonah. Kinda.
The Governing Body / Jehovah`s Witnesses and the Sin Of Omission ,How guilty are they ? Can you give an example ?
by smiddy3 ini would like as many people that can, to respond to this appeal as i am sure their are many examples out their that may help lurkers and fence sitters to make a decision on where they stand regarding the "truth".
i look forward to your comments either negative or plus..
Hi Nevuela, why is it such a big deal to you when someone gets a downvote?
Don't take it personally, it's just people and it's just the internet. Don't let something so unimportant and inconsequential upset you.
The Governing Body / Jehovah`s Witnesses and the Sin Of Omission ,How guilty are they ? Can you give an example ?
by smiddy3 ini would like as many people that can, to respond to this appeal as i am sure their are many examples out their that may help lurkers and fence sitters to make a decision on where they stand regarding the "truth".
i look forward to your comments either negative or plus..
I'll not comment on the UN discussion but on a different sin of omission.
WT quote the book written by Justus Lipsius to add weight to their stake Vs cross teaching. In the book, Justus has a diagram of an upright stake as something used for executions. What WT omit is the books diagram of the typical cross which Justus says the Lord died on.
It's so much easier to deceive when you are a scheming and determined liar, and do not permit your victims to research for themselves.
Do Jehovah`s Witnesses lie to receive Government benefits ?
by smiddy3 injehovah`s witnesses do not respect the ,governments of any nation from my experience with "witnesses" over 33 years as a card carrying member.
the governments are to be exploited taking advantage of all the provisions govt`s, hand out to their citizens.after all the govts, are under the control of satan the devil ,he is the ruler of this world and is at enmity with god.. so they feel justified in practicing deception as they the gov`ts.
being opposer`s of truth have no right to know the real truth.. i personally knew of pioneers who had no intention of finding work but were happy to take unemployment benefits from the govt.
sir82 What country is that?
That's the UK.
Do Jehovah`s Witnesses lie to receive Government benefits ?
by smiddy3 injehovah`s witnesses do not respect the ,governments of any nation from my experience with "witnesses" over 33 years as a card carrying member.
the governments are to be exploited taking advantage of all the provisions govt`s, hand out to their citizens.after all the govts, are under the control of satan the devil ,he is the ruler of this world and is at enmity with god.. so they feel justified in practicing deception as they the gov`ts.
being opposer`s of truth have no right to know the real truth.. i personally knew of pioneers who had no intention of finding work but were happy to take unemployment benefits from the govt.
A retired MS and his occasional pioneering wife get a brand new car off the government every three years because she isn't able to walk 100 metres on her own so is classed as disabled.
When she pioneers she does so on foot.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get a brand new car every three years for free.