The more recent version is You will never grow old in this system of things.
Also proving to be just as reliable.
so i’m just reading the part in ray franz book “crisis of conscience” about the 1925 prediction of “millions now living will never die”.. ofcourse all witnesses are very familiar with this campaign.
yet none of us ever had an issue with it, including myself.
since the booklet was published in 1920, we are one year away from 100 years from that time.
The more recent version is You will never grow old in this system of things.
Also proving to be just as reliable.
it would appear that with this most recent confiscation the total taken from the jws by moscow amounts to more that $75 million.
When the WT got everyone to spam Russia with letters, this forum pointed out the consequences of that recklessness.
There are more "true prophets" on this forum than there are in bethel. Actually let me change that. There is more common sense on this forum than you will find in all of the "glorious ones".
i posted this a while ago and i was asked for it again recently, which made me think of putting it back here for any newer members.. please find a link that is active for one month which lists the jw teachings which have been changed back and forth.. flip flop pdf.
it was this alone which made me realise the wt are clueless, imperfect guessers at doctrine, so why do they deserve to be followed.
(spoiler: they don't deserve to be.
Click on the blue Download button (unlinked image below).
When I tried it took a second attempt before it worked.
i posted this a while ago and i was asked for it again recently, which made me think of putting it back here for any newer members.. please find a link that is active for one month which lists the jw teachings which have been changed back and forth.. flip flop pdf.
it was this alone which made me realise the wt are clueless, imperfect guessers at doctrine, so why do they deserve to be followed.
(spoiler: they don't deserve to be.
I posted this a while ago and I was asked for it again recently, which made me think of putting it back here for any newer members.
Please find a link that is active for one month which lists the JW teachings which have been changed back and forth.
It was this alone which made me realise the WT are clueless, imperfect guessers at doctrine, so why do they deserve to be followed. (Spoiler: They don't deserve to be.)
the final part of the october, 2018 annual meeting has now been released of jw org tv.the following includes a transcript of mark sanderson's speech for those that don't want to listen to the broadcast.. we have long held that the land of decoration is the "spiritual estate of jehovah's people"... now brothers what can we say about all these events that have taken place (referring to recent events in russia) in such a short period of time?
well, truly, if you're a student of the history of god's organization, you can say these events are unprecedented in our history.
we've never seen a country or a territory with 175,000 witnesses of jehovah go under ban.
So Russia are sort of touching God's eyeball, but not really.
Touching it enough to cause an irritation but not enough to get a reaction.
It must be a fraction of eyeball touching, which is permitted.
i'm a member on jw talk (until now at least) and have been regularly checking up on their thread regarding the annual meeting.
there hasn't been a great deal to report on except for this recent post that has been made.
i may get outed but that's no loss.
The WT cherry pick events and countries to fit their teaching du jour of the kings of the north and south. How else could Britain be both the king of the north and the king of the south within the space of just 35 years:
1925 Our Lords Return p. 23
"The "king of the north" means Great Britain"
w60 2/15 p. 122 par. 50 Part 32—"Your Will Be Done on Earth"
"the king of the south, the Anglo-American dual world power"
This latest proclamation is just another guess in their long list of changes.
i'm a member on jw talk (until now at least) and have been regularly checking up on their thread regarding the annual meeting.
there hasn't been a great deal to report on except for this recent post that has been made.
i may get outed but that's no loss.
At least the WT have clarified for us how the kings will meet their end:
w60 4/1 p. 219 par. 25 Part 35—"Your Will Be Done on Earth"
"Certainly the Creator of cosmic rays, Jehovah God, could use these to affect the minds of his enemies, including the king of the north and the king of the south, and could drive them to mutual slaughter."
fancy a mind trick?
here’s 2 for the price of 1; if you only want watchtower’s trick, skip to the next paragraph.
you may need to write this down or use a calculator:.
If you replaced *evidently" with "speculatively" or even "hopefully", it would be a much more accurate read.
one of my best friends is in the security business.
he told me the other day of how the watch tower has been in contact with his good friend and business associate.
evidently they are inquiring about putting cameras into every kh so that they can do 24 hour monitoring.
Maybe it's an upgrade to "dialling in" to hear the talks.
If the cameras are trained on the platform you will be able to watch from home.
in recent weeks, a grizzled old man, obviously harmless, has been engaging with a nice lady as she regularly stands by her cart displaying watchtower material.. on monday, she eagerly wanted to know what this old man thought of the book she gave him, "what does the bible really teach?".
when this old man posed some questions, she was very keen for him to write them down.. she also promised to provide facts that earthquakes proved we are living in the last days.. anyway, to make a short story longer, the old man drafted questions and observations on the topics that were covered.. would you please criticise the stuff that this old man has drafted for his next encounter.
any help, anything at all, is most keenly looked for.
In your creation section I would use the genesis verse about the stars being placed there for signs and seasons, then ask how they could have even been seen from Earth if there was a water canopy over the Earth.