31:20 is incredible: "We made a vow to support the faithful and discreet slave". Say what? I don't remember making that vow. That vow is heresy. I can't eat the amount of food I'd like to puke right now...
JoinedPosts by Sauerkraut
My video recorded apostasy trial is now live
by RayPublisher inpart 3 (which is where the actual meeting begins) is finished.
it took my computer hours and hours to render and upload it!!
anyway, this is what i just posted on my youtube channel:.
Absalom prefigured young JWs who fist bump, play video games, and take pictures of themselves with the opposite sex
by JimmyPage injehovah's witnesses top the list in not being able to hold on to their younger members.
so what do they do to combat this?
do they go out of their way to change things to keep the next generation, their only real hope of long run survival?
That video game in the illustration looks a lot like Halo. The Society hates Halo? I hate the Society. PFF!
"Recovery" Could Benefit By Following My JW Grandfather's Advice
by steve2 inrecovery is new to this forum.
he inevitably uses a confrontational approach, requesting - demanding?
- that people show him why the watchtower is wrong.
In all honesty, often it's less about the many false doctrines, but the attitude of JWs that irritates me. The "we know better, you're misguided and of Satan" attitude. The "go ahead and remain in your filth". The condescending, short sighted, narrow minded attitude of people who really know little but think they're experts in cosmology. Recovery is a perfect example of this. And this is from someone who is still officially an active Witness. Often it makes me cringe inside when I deal with fellow Witnesses, I have to feel ashamed for them and their attitudes.
Let's Discuss Ray Franz's Books
by Recovery ini have been repeatedly pleaded with to read the books of ray franz in my short stay on this board.
apparently these are all the all-powerful, wt crushing arguments, that lead so many to leave jw's and become ruthless opposers of god's people.
we can discuss any claims/statements/scriptural arguments presented in either of his books, as long as it somehow proves jehovah's witnesses are not god's people.
Folks, why bother?
Who Really is The Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by Recovery inlet's assume, as most of you probably believe, that the anointed christians are not the fds.
if the anointed are not the fds, who are?.
Recovery, you seem to write quite lengthy posts and I don't feel like reading through all the pages. If you still believe the two class hope doctrine, that a limited number go to heaven and the rest stay on earth, you might as well forget about your question. If you figure out that there is no distinction between "anointed" and non-anointed Christians, the parable of the FDS gets a completely new meaning. The meaning intended for it.
Paul says in Ephesians 4:4 that all who are called have one hope. The hope to be with Jesus. In Romans 8 he contrasts those who are in the Spirit with those who are in the flesh. He shows there are only two ways- be in the spirit, or be in the flesh and without any hope at all. Now, you may wonder what this has to do with your question. Once you start looking into this with an open mind (it takes a while to research this using the bible) you will most likely see that there is just one hope for Christians, that which you still associate with the "anointed". In fact all Christians are anointed. (Not all who say they are Christians, but who live accordingly.) The parable about the FDS is an encouragement to all Brothers of Christ to care for one another. It's aimed at every Christian individually. There is no "class" of some vague FDS. The Society has misused this parable to setup a system of authority and control over "the other sheep" which is in no way in harmony with scripture.
I think this proves quite clearly that the WTS has never taken on the role of a prophet and never required that its readers view them as such.
You might want to read about the Walsh Trial in 1954. The Society perceives itself as a Prophet quite clearly, whether you want to accept that or not. And they expect you and I and any Witness to unquestioningly follow and obey their words and interpretations. Had their prophetic predictions come true in the past decades it would be okay to follow them, due to their failure following them is dangerous.
The Society's own explanation who the FDS is falls short. If the FDS is made up of all anointed, then why do the folks in Brooklyn have an attitude regarding them as can be seen here:
"Memorial partakers. This is the number of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones." (w11 8/15 p. 22 Questions From Readers) You see, the Governing Body really is the FDS if you read between the lines of the publications, but they have no interest in saying it plainly, I guess the are not yet bold enough to do so. They do make clear though that they have no interest in cooperation with all those who should make up the FDS worldwide. Strange, eh? The FDS really is the Governing Body on a power trip. Besides that, if anointed are to dispense food at the proper time, why are mostly non-anointed responsible for writing publications? There should be plenty of anointed to do that job, also younger anointed ones.
Honestly, I think it's tactless to come to this forum and start argueing about this, expecting people here to prove you wrong. Do your own reserach, without bias and without Watchtower reading glasses. It seems that you are not really seeking an answer about who the FDS really is, but in typical JW manner you want to help others get rid of the straw in their eyes, while you obviously can't see clearly.
Latest "Questions From Readers" - who wrote in with this question?!
by cedars ini kid you not.
the latest watchtower study edition has the following question under consideration in the "questions from readers" article on page 20:.
do jesus words found at matthew 19:10-12 suggest that those who choose to remain single have received the gift of singleness in a mysterious way?.
Weird that there still is the Questions from Readers section, when the Society doesn't want anyone to write them with questions in the first place.
The Resurrection - Gender-less Humans or Spirit Beings?
by Badfish in"in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven.
" (mathew 22:30).
also, what about their offspring?
To me Mt. 22:30 is a clear indication that the earthly resurrection doctrine that the Org teaches is false. Resurrected will be like Angels, because they will have spirit bodies. I don't rule out that there will be some kind of earthly resurrection, but as far as Christians go, they will be resurrected in spirit form.
by DATA-DOG ini have a friend who met with a couple of elders recently and i was told things went well, no issues.
well a couple weeks later they stopped by my friends place, ( just to say hi ) right before they left they said, " hey can we meet again?
my friend said, " sure ".
One: when will he be done?
Two: you may be screwed!
Three: got they noose, let's find a tree.
by DATA-DOG ini have a friend who met with a couple of elders recently and i was told things went well, no issues.
well a couple weeks later they stopped by my friends place, ( just to say hi ) right before they left they said, " hey can we meet again?
my friend said, " sure ".
It's interesting to see how deviously they can operate.
New YouTube video - Anthony Morris warns us against the horrors of higher education
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzcneuuajvg.
Cedars, maybe we don't want to get to know Anthony that well. There are more worthy people to get to know. Tony is giving me headaches. Btw, video isn't available in certain countries of Old Europe.