@Jookbeard: spiritual banquet... Aarrghghgghh! That word, I hate it. Along with spiritual food. Aarrghghgghh!
Here's another one: spiritually weak.
@Nugget: they should be upfront and say "make OUR truth YOUR own".
so we all know the jw vocabulary is a weird one.
what words or phrases bugged you the most?.
a few of mine:.
@Jookbeard: spiritual banquet... Aarrghghgghh! That word, I hate it. Along with spiritual food. Aarrghghgghh!
Here's another one: spiritually weak.
@Nugget: they should be upfront and say "make OUR truth YOUR own".
-outlaw doesn't get too many visitors to his place out on the canadian wilderness, so can you come up with good captions for this visitor to outlaw's playground?
outlaw- send me a pm with the caption you think is the best one-- have fun everyone.
i will repost the winning picture just as soon as outlaw makes his pick.. .
Bear: Huh? Tender meat? Rrrraaarrr.
Man: No! Why you no smile for lepoltel team?
what do you thinkd the governing body's master plan is?
build a "vatican city" for jw in canada?
then plot to take over the world?
I think right now they must be worried that time is running out and the end isn't coming. Many Witnesses are tired and becoming disgruntled, so the GB will have to figure out how to keep them slaving on without giving up.
i have been around in this forum a lot but haven't written much yet.. also i had a more or less rude awakening when i realized that the religion i grew up with, the religion i sacrificed a lot for and considered to be the 'truth' is nothing but mere bs.
it's quite a brick to digest.. my parents both are jws, elder and pioneer.
very good people but also very brainwashed.
@Gefangene: I'm German as well. And no, I don't like Sauerkraut much, but it was the silliest name that I could think of when I registered and a hint to which country I live in. Nice to have you here.
so we all know the jw vocabulary is a weird one.
what words or phrases bugged you the most?.
a few of mine:.
And "don't leave Jehovah".
i've been giving some thought recently to what's going on in the minds of the individual governing body members, and what makes them tick.
the process of listening to their talks for my "getting to know you" youtube video series, though draining, has been very enlightening.
i now feel i know some of their individual personalities a little better than i did previously.. then there has been the tumultuous events of 2012. it's been interesting to note the way the governing body has responded to some of these issues, and how in most cases their responses have been woefully inadequate or even counter-productive as regards their long-term interests.. for example:.
@raymond frantz: It's crazy, I was listening to/watching that exact video last night.
i have been around in this forum a lot but haven't written much yet.. also i had a more or less rude awakening when i realized that the religion i grew up with, the religion i sacrificed a lot for and considered to be the 'truth' is nothing but mere bs.
it's quite a brick to digest.. my parents both are jws, elder and pioneer.
very good people but also very brainwashed.
Welcome. Are you German? Wondering because of your name.
just as the title says.. .
Thanks for posting this, downloaded the file, I'll keep it for later. More ammunition for the next discussion.
i've been giving some thought recently to what's going on in the minds of the individual governing body members, and what makes them tick.
the process of listening to their talks for my "getting to know you" youtube video series, though draining, has been very enlightening.
i now feel i know some of their individual personalities a little better than i did previously.. then there has been the tumultuous events of 2012. it's been interesting to note the way the governing body has responded to some of these issues, and how in most cases their responses have been woefully inadequate or even counter-productive as regards their long-term interests.. for example:.
Cedars, your post made my day! High five!
he's said it before, but, it was different this time.
his dad just died and i know there are parts about me that are the exact replica of him and grandpa.
him and gramp had a falling out cause of the jw religion.. anyways, i had the funny feeling that my dad has been looking at things differently lately, but, i know he won't say much cause he's in way too deep at this point.. he came up to me the other night, and said he really loved me.
Hi Cognac,
that's very touching. I'm glad he said that, I've read so many disheartening experiences here lately that it's easy to think they are all cold hearted people. It's good that you could forgive him, it's very hard to do sometimes but it's best for us. What's great is that in those 5 years you didn't compromise. I really wish that your Dad will indeed figure things out. And many, how about all others, will too. Hey, we can wish, right?