I don't have any updates on this and to be honest, please don't hold your breath waiting for anything as I don't have enough contact with people who would know first hand info to be able to do any digging without it seeming odd. The time will come however. Just to reiterate that I don't know a name and have no details on the circumstances. Speculation is pointless and it does not really matter anyway.
What I have already mentioned is 100% accurate and as soon as I have the opportunity to get any further facts that are worth sharing then I will do so. The matter is really only of interest in as much it is very unusual for something like this to happen and it proves that organisational heavies are people like the rest of us and deserve no special treatment. Please let's not get swept along by the apparent scandal of it all as it is really only of long term import if the reasons are due to some kind of organisational corruption or doctrinal issue. If the guy just wanted to be with someone else then that's his business and simply proves that holy spirit has very little to do with the appointment and actions of anyone with any kind of privileges in the org. The fact that I am still an MS in good standing is proof of that!