So a question I always wondered about growing up was how do the annointed know that they are annointed and how does that conversation go down when you approach the elders about "being chosen". How do they prove that they get to taste the wine and eat the bread? I knew two sisters who were "annointed" and now that I've been out for quite a while I look back and think, did they know that they were lying or did they truly believe? I'm interested in what all of you think or know about this.
JoinedPosts by earthfire
The Annointed
by earthfire inso a question i always wondered about growing up was how do the annointed know that they are annointed and how does that conversation go down when you approach the elders about "being chosen".
how do they prove that they get to taste the wine and eat the bread?
i knew two sisters who were "annointed" and now that i've been out for quite a while i look back and think, did they know that they were lying or did they truly believe?
My terminally ill friend will read this; please offer your love and support.
by compound complex indear friends:.
forty-five years ago i was out in service with an elder, and we came upon a house where the owners kindly received us.
this was not so unusual as the family was jehovah's witnesses.
Lots of love to you Mike.
Is this a religion run by PSYCOPATHS?
by Terry inglibness/superficial charmgrandiose sense of self-worthpathological lyingconning/manipulativelack of remorse or guiltshallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)callousness; lack of empathyfailure to accept responsibility for own actionsthe hare psychopathy checklist-revised by robert d. hare, 1991. multi-health systems, 908 niagara falls blvd, north tonawanda, new york, usa, 14120-2060. psycopaths do not feel empathy but learn to imitate those who do.
psychopaths don't even understand charity.. .
i was thinking today how much psycopathy is reflected in the governing body leadership and especially manifested in policy.. jehovah's witnesses are not led by people devoted to charity, benevolence, outreach or social provision for those less fortunate which.
That is what high control groups/cults do. Power over others and financial gain is intoxicating to these leaders. It trickles down the line to the Elders, MS, Pioneers, etc. Psychopaths, it sounds feasible to me.
"Angel of light" revisited
by leaving_quietly inwe're familiar with 2 cor 11:14: "and no wonder, for satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.".
this scripture came up in a talk today.
now that i'm in the habit of looking at surrounding verses for context, my first question was: "what was paul saying "no wonder" to?".
This cracked me up! Wow.
Villagegirl, that's a great point about blocking individuals from coming to God. I'd never thought of it that way before.
Rumor : Elders' meeting about pedophilia issues
by yalbmert99 inhi everyone, there is a rumor on a french speaking forum saying that the elders were to assist to a 9 h meeting,yesterday or today depending on availability, about pedophilia exclusively.
meeting directed by an circuit overseer.
more infos to come.
Thanks for the heads up. Sounds very interesting.
TV Show, 'The Bible'
by LV101 inanyone planning to watch 'the bible' tv show march 3 on the history channel.
five episodes focusing on o/t and five about the n/t.
any thoughts?
So that's at least two of us who changed the channel ;-)
by Lied2NoMore inhere is what got my spidey senses tingling: paragraph 16, reference to daniel p mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so i did my research.......but was even more shocked when i saw this: .
from amazon dot com reviews................ probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"those who are about to die" is pure mannix at his best.
a uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient rome.
I don't have a current Watchtower. Can you give a link to the paragraph?
TV Show, 'The Bible'
by LV101 inanyone planning to watch 'the bible' tv show march 3 on the history channel.
five episodes focusing on o/t and five about the n/t.
any thoughts?
40 minutes in and I find it very annoying. Apparently in this version Lot isn't offering his daughters up. That story always pissed me off anyway but if you're doing a movie about The Bible, you might as well put it in. And why did Noah have a Scottish accent? When did Abraham beg Lot to stay?
Coming Out ...
by fulltimestudent ina friend drew my attention to this 'coming out' youtube video ... i thought it worth sharing.. .
SO cool. Thanks for sharing.
What song would you dedicate to the borg?
by krejames inzed's thread on powerful albums got me listening to darren hayes after ages and i decided i would like to dedicate this song to the borg.
step into the light.
Nowhere Man