JoinedTopics Started by philmurray
Our most Holy Faith.( God works through individuals)
by philmurray inhelo.straight from the start i am a christian begotten of the father jehovah gods holy spirit.can i take the time to extend christian greetings to all.i know that i along with all of the offspring of adam have inherited original sin.that without faith in the antilutron ( in this age) i can not approach the mercy seat, holy throne of jehovah god the many christian faiths.all use the bible.all quote from it.all pray to the same god.all fallible humans convinced that their method/way/faith is right.the only way to please the father and his beloved son.some cling to a teaching/teacher.some cling to a tradition.all accept a particular mindset.
so all christadelphians are wrong(including their off shoots,ie ecclesia of christ etc).ditto ditto etc etc-mormons,their off shoots,catholic its off shoots(ancient catholic re mel gibson etc)anglican ( not if we accept women !
) ad infidium.. so what are we left with.a history of the j.w.