Thanks. I can understand that! I guess I am an agnostic, culturally christian!
Love your bro Healthworker
id like to know what personally convinced you jws are wrong about a particular doctrine/practice, that they are not gods true.people and/or what made you leave emotionally/physically.
Thanks. I can understand that! I guess I am an agnostic, culturally christian!
Love your bro Healthworker
id like to know what personally convinced you jws are wrong about a particular doctrine/practice, that they are not gods true.people and/or what made you leave emotionally/physically.
Hi, read your letter and liked your reasoning! I tend to agree with you and also what Ray wrote about the blood doctrine. It's more balanced and honest! The wts stand does not add up. That's what you get when people without education are debating the Bible over some drinks and to much money. Of course it will come out crazy. Problem is, without education the rank & file don't get the thinking ability to deprogramme the doctrine.
As you, I always believed that the wts followed the Bible and it does in some instances. That's the problem. You accept the wts because you are impressed by the bible knowledge in SOME areas. And then you accept the whole deal. But their stand on blood, education, sole channel and the true gospel of Jesus, is not impressive. It's flawed and makes life hard for a lot of people. Even makes many loose all faith in God.
Are you still a christian?
Love bro Healthworker
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
Hi, again! I knew there was something wrong with "similarities" in that sentence. I spelled it once, changed it and then the flip floped it back again, but knew that I probably got it wrong! I haven't been writing your language for ages, so it takes some practise to catch up again! One advantage we got over here, is that we learn vocals and writing at the same time, so it's easier to get the spelling right (since you don't write the words as it is spoken).
Anyways, thanks to our mutual "friend" in GB, I got the chance to write with you guys and that have been very healthy and an inspiration for me! It would probably delay future development of dementia aswell...
Have a good one, brothers. Time to sleep!
Love Healthworker
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
The grammar and the spelling went down the drain. I became a little heated. There is just NO way to use that illustration!
Love Healthy
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
Second of all, there is NO similarities between higher education and shooting oneself in the head.
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
You write: "Still entirely asinine but its not showing disrespect to OCD"
Some may think he does! First of all, he has no Biblical support for his view. Second of all, there is similarities between higher education and shooting oneself in the head. Third point: To use this poor person with OCD trying to commit suicide, as an illustration to warn against higher education, is unloving and showing disrespect towards this patient group.
How many of my brothers were struggling with panic attacks, OCD, general suffering of fear when he held that speach in Norway (he said the same thing here 2012)? How many dropped going to school this autumn because of fear of being killed spiritually! How many got twisted thoughts of getting a gun, trying this stunt!
Final point made: It's not okay to sacrifice our youth's future and lives, to sustain a doctrine that has no backing from God. Which is unhealthy, black-and-white, which disregards the true gospel of Jesus! That he gave his life for us, so that we should love each other, respect one another, take care of our families, our babies, father and mother, the old and the sick! This video exposes his true spirit, the man for what he is!
Love from your brother, Healthworker
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
Amen Quendi!
Love Healthy
part 3 (which is where the actual meeting begins) is finished.
it took my computer hours and hours to render and upload it!!
anyway, this is what i just posted on my youtube channel:.
Thanks, looking forward to seeing that NOW:=)
Love Healthworker
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
Most brohers were offended by his speach. We are an educated people. Women here work. We send our children to kindergarden. We go to college.
We did not like what we heard. BUT, most brothers would drop this as a hot potato. They are trained to close their eyes and forget all sides that creates cognitive dissonance. Heck, they would rather go and get drunk before they dare to question the society! I spoke with an elder about this (one of many) and said I would do something about it. Make reform, that the GB needed help. He just got angry and said that I was way out and that the GB have the HOLY SPIRIT. What? It's their life insurance! Kill to live!
Love Healthworker
after i posted my last "getting to know you" video where gerrit losch explains his "unique" views on armageddon, a couple of posters mentioned that other similarly controversial comments had been made by gerrit concerning higher education.. well, these comments were actually made in the same recording as the one i used in making the "armageddon" video, so i thought i should make the second video focussing on these.. here it is....
i realize many heavily indoctrinated publishers will try to defend these remarks by saying that, if it isn't in the society's publications, then gerrit losch's personal opinion is of no particular consequence.
however, the bible says that "out of the heart's abundance the mouth speaks", so by making these videos i hope i am at least showing people what is in the hearts of the men who lead us, and who claim to act as the mouthpiece of the slave class.. .
"he has some nerve to tell others that they are materialistic by getting an education"
Yup, and he had some nerve comming to Norway telling the whole country this story not long ago, then selling of our property. Next time we will issue an arrest warrenty for him and send him to court for hate speach!
Love bro Healthworker