Id like to know what personally convinced you JWs are wrong about a particular doctrine/practice, that they are not Gods true.people and/or what made you leave emotionally/physically.
What REALLY Convinced You To Leave/Lose Faith in JWs?
by Recovery 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
elders and their wives who are abusive bullies
Are you familiar with a former poster, here, 'mankelli'? You may enjoy some of his posts.
If you are not a believer in the Bible, please state why. The same thing with an existence of a God. I just want to make sure I dont leave any stones unturned
I dont feel Ray Franzs books are all encompassing
Witness My Fury
Thorough research into the religion of my birth. I did it with due diligence (unlike the "research" that led up to my baptism at 16!) ....This took several years of effort and research and the decision was not taken lightly or in haste.
I let the facts do the talking and only the facts. Once the mountain of evidence became overwhelming then the outcome was obvious.
607 was the killer blow for me as once that is debunked then the whole WTS edifice comes crashing down, as without 607 there is no getting to 1914 (which is why despite ALL the evidence the WTS so desperately clings onto 607) and without 1914 then the WTS claims about themselves being chosen in 1919 falls flat on its arse. There is no going back once this is seen for what it really is.
I could go on, but given the OP there's little point in making too much effort in posting here..
to further clarify when elders and their wives are acting in a very unchristian way and the blame is shifted to the rank and file. What kind of a "christian" religion allows their leaders to act in an unchristian way?
The United Nations fiasco, 607 date, No love within the congergation, harsh treatment of some of the sisters and brothers.. I felt sad that I had brought some family in and wasted a lot of our life there but live and learn and I am very grateful that we are out.
Witness My Fury
Recovery do your own research matey.
Read these if you havent already:
If they are too mentally taxing for you then read the excellent and funny The Atheists Book of Bible Stories: HERE
I dont feel Ray Franzs books are all encompassing.....Recovery
From another thread by Recovery..
King Solomon said: Just to clarify: have you actually read C of C? It would be rather pointless to debate it,
if you've not even READ it, or only skimmed it....
No, I haven't read it.....Recovery
Why keep Refering to Books you`ve Never Read?..
Your quotation makes no sense since that was many weeks ago. Maybe it hasnt occurred to you that Ive already began to read it? Hmmm, I wonder what Outlaws IQ is.
Witness My Fury of course Im going to do my own research. I just want to make sure I research/take into account everything, which is why im here.