AWESOME ! thinking I can get use to the "ashes" look!
i'm pretending the gb decided to hire a ceo to combat dwindling membership and overall apathy.
here is a list of the changes i would make to the organization if i were hired as ceo.
feel free to list your ideas (serious and humorous)!.
AWESOME ! thinking I can get use to the "ashes" look!
in christian theology there is often a lot of talk about whether we are saved by faith or works, and what exactly those things mean.
this thread is not exactly about that, instead it's about how jws, in their inimitable style, somehow managed to create a doctrine that mixes the worst of both and caused me no end of internal conflict as a jw.. in jw doctrine, life is about an argument between jehovah and satan.
satan said that nobody follows jehovah out of love, but only for what they can personally get out of it.
Good point!
We then need to understand what the bible truly teaches and let that be the authority that counts.
All said and done we have to answer each one of us to YHWH (Jehovah) for whats in our hearts of faith and love. Matt. 22:37.
brother cuei{?
] really cool and funny, feet planted firmly on the the ground.
the usual good council on how we can save alot of grief by applying bible principles, etc.
nowwhat you are close to home for me because I reconize those same names- and look we are both on this thread- sounds like we have something close to home in common!
james 5:16 states, as translated in the nwt :.
therefore, openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.
a righteous man's supplication has a powerful effect.
Maybe they do confess since all the prayers from the platform is "we give thanks for the Governing Body"!!
hey there far away- can you get the "big bang theory" on tv out there ??? LOL- sorry i'm a jokester!
in christian theology there is often a lot of talk about whether we are saved by faith or works, and what exactly those things mean.
this thread is not exactly about that, instead it's about how jws, in their inimitable style, somehow managed to create a doctrine that mixes the worst of both and caused me no end of internal conflict as a jw.. in jw doctrine, life is about an argument between jehovah and satan.
satan said that nobody follows jehovah out of love, but only for what they can personally get out of it.
I understand where you are coming from. My understanding after doing "my own private research" is that once you have faith - its that faith that makes works happen. can't put the cart before the horse in this case- works is that "public declaration" that you have faith. Now with that being said- in JW thinking going to "the hall", "goin out in service" shows your "spirituality" and you earning your way to get "into the new system" as you are aware of.
We can't break new ground and tell the GB that gee- "the bible teach" that we CANNOT earn salvation (no matter how much "service" no matter how many "meetings"- that's why everlasting life its a GIFT !!
spinning off from another thread, have jesus' teachings been less than universally helpful to mankind?
how do we measure if a particular philosophy is helpful or harmful?.
i am going to use the "universal morals" listed here.
Jesus teachings (from YHWH) is the foundation of truth. I will go with helpful- it's JW theology that sometimes make them seem harmful.
in the u.s. there are fewer venues this year, but they will be held in larger facilities.
as long as i can remember my family travelled no more than 2 hours to attend and in the last few years the dc was local (within a few minutes travel).
this year my family is driving 6 hours to a major u.s. city.
I know in Detroit its being held as "The International Convention" so all those in Ohio has to go there this year.
International "flavor" is big these days!!
i'm pretending the gb decided to hire a ceo to combat dwindling membership and overall apathy.
here is a list of the changes i would make to the organization if i were hired as ceo.
feel free to list your ideas (serious and humorous)!.
ummm. Get rid of -scrap all the publications- oh wait you need all that to understand who GOD and Jesus is- oh well !
"do you realize how much of a privelge it is to enjoy the visit of the circuit overseer?
they are appointed by the governing body who in turn are apointed by jesus and holy spirit.
so you have a great privilege when we visit your congregation, because it is the same thing as having jesus visit you.
JW are made (forced feed) to feel quilty about NOT listening to the CO ! He's the next best thing to the GB !!
I hate it when talking to your average JW and they tell you something "The CO said" and you question it- their brains
go into defensive overload and while not able to even think on the meaning of what was said it goes back to "Well that's what the CO" said- i'm just sayin!
yeah you better not question the CO- or yes you may get struck down!!
Wow what crazy stuff!