C'mon man--Jesus written life was just like the movies and tv show-no one goes to the bathroom on hollywood! I wonder all the time when and the world does Jack Bauer has time to go to the "can". I guess it's in-between commercials !!
Whether being a "creation" or being "made" (see the greek words) is just a product of YHWH person. He could be that kind of person that's just not that emotional. Read all accounts that deals with his speaking. Even in Moses time before going into the read sea after assuring Moses and the people he says "why do you keep calling out to me"....One would think that he understands the panic mode of humans but maybe not. Maybe he is learning about the development of mans thinking aong the way-who knows!
Think of the only person in the bible he calls "friend". Reading the account its not much emotion there. I believe Jesus in saying we should rfere to him as "father" is from the stand point trying to connect him as only our maker and provider without the hugs.
He is so above anything we can imagine, Grand and Lofty with billions of humans and angels to deal with- can you really see time for any type of emotional relationship!