Tired of feeding the family the same-o, same-o. Want to share your favorite grilling, crock pot or any other recipes or meals?
tired of feeding the family the same-o, same-o.
want to share your favorite grilling, crock pot or any other recipes or meals?
Tired of feeding the family the same-o, same-o. Want to share your favorite grilling, crock pot or any other recipes or meals?
princess' little girl is 5 years old today.. one of princess' friends is a dj on one of the major radio networks in seattle.
she just talked to rachel over the radio and announced zoe's birthday and is playing a song for her right now!
that was so cool to hear!!.
Happy 5th Birthday!
i am going to be a dad again, and you know what excites me besides all the normal stuff?.
my child will never have to go through what i did being a witness.
he will never have to tell his teacher that he cannot celebrate a holiday or have a birthday cake.
ok..i admit it, i've done a very bad thing.
i found this site about a week ago and have been reading like a mad-woman.
even posted to a couple of threads.
Welcome to the board
hi you guys... just thought i'd pass on my sadness for me to heal a little.. if that's okay.. i was in the "program" for 11 years, husband witnessed to me in college while he was inactive, we studied together, got baptized & married.
had rough times... but i loved him so much........unconditionally despite wt doctrine.
last 3 years we both started to miss meetings and question the bs.
So sorry you are going through this. (((Scooby)))
can a person cry for days?
anthony left this afternoon for san diego.
so if my posts seem a little abrupt i am in a really sad, pissed off mood.
(((Sheila and Thunder)))
our niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
So sorry that things are like this for you. Hopefully your son will one day wake up.
there are many reasons why we choose a username.
on this forum, aside from some of the more obvious names associated with our avatars, what does your nickname/username mean or refer to?.
some are first names.
Sadie= name of our family pet( boston terrier)
5= # of children I have
years ago, families were huge.
it wasn't rare to see families of 9 or 10 children.
today things are so different.
We have 5 sons, ranging in age from 26 down to 7. We're happy with them, would have been nice to have had a daughter, I think.
The years have been hard sometimes but enjoyable. Having kids meant using a big portion of time and money for them. We couldn't do things that our no kid friends, or friends with kids grown up could do. We have some of the most wonderful and humorous memories to look back on. It will seem lonely when I can have a really clean and orderly home and the sound of children's voices or cartoons playing won't be heard everyday.
well, i finally got a response to my letter, and it only took them almost three months!
models of efficiency, they are.
actually, big tex and i think they had to run this through the legal department.
Dear Cruzenheart,
Sorry I haven't responded sooner. There was no sympathy, or remorse in this letter. Came across as very cold. Shows what they're made of.
Thanks for sharing.