We had same dog and pony show in Poland On Sunday, but no GB member. My buddy Viv Moritz was there with opening remarks and after WT summary we had talk by Canadian Bethel/Branch overseer (smarmy) and German bethel (John Kassel?) -deadly boring. Doubly boring because it all had to be translated! It was like getting a root canal done with garden tools.
Big take away: University is bad. Maria was a rising star in congregation, but once she started going to universtity, comments, field service, meeting attendance all dropped and then she disappeared. Gee, I wonder what happened.
Bonus talk (Jehovah's treasures) from German bethel overseer. Do these guys get to make up their own outlines? This was probably one of the worst talks I have ever heard.
Viv Moritz wwent on and on about how happy he was to be here, but never cracked a smile. Polish brothers tried to put a happy face on it, but it was really awful.