JoinedPosts by FadeToBlack
I wonder what D.Trump thinks of this order, placed with a Chinese company by Chicago transport
by fulltimestudent inits interesting to watch these shenagins, isn't it?
the order was for: .
846 7000-series rail cars from csr sifang america jv, which submitted the lowest bid, chicago transport authority said in a statement on its website thursday.
And probably, those who are fortunate to get hired will find that their wages are lower than previously. -
Part 3- Finale- Settlement Meeting with Circuit Overseer
by Randy M. inthis is the finale of my meeting with watchtower's circuit overseer henry turner in an attempt to reach a settlement agreement with some kind of resolution .
if you watched the 1st 2 parts you will need to see this because it is in my opinion the best part.
i have also included more still shots of the players so that it will be easier to follow.
I didn't see parts 1 and 2, but from listening to part 3, I see what the problem is. You , are trying to be reasonable while staying inside the guidelines of the WTS. The elders and whoever else are involved are not equipped to deal with it, so they seek the easy way out.
That means, getting the more compliant, less bothersome party to agree to give it up (of course for JHVH's name because apparently he can't take care of himself). They can't handle the sociopaths, so they take the easy route. I've been thru this a few times myself. At the moment, my wife is dealing with this in her congregation where some (4) families bought some property but one of them is trying to get it all for himself. It has caused a civil war in the congregation with everyone taking ill-informed sides.
She said the WT study has turned into a battle ground where everyone is making comments, trying to apply the information to their point of view. I warned her about getting called into the back room, but she doesn't care.
Do what is right and let the cards fall where they will. Good luck.
Proof of any Dragons
by pleaseresearch indoes anybody have any proof of the existence of dragons?.
we read in revelation about satan being the dragon, but aren't dragons mythological creatures?.
Nice catch. What word is translated as 'dragon'? -
Memorial 2016
by Flg8ter inthe memorial is on march 23 this year.
but all the official jewish calendars has nissan 14 as april 22!
april 22 is the start of passover!
I'm just happy that I won't be there (whatever day they pick). -
Trying To Leave - Im Going Crazy
by pale.emperor inthis is my first post.
i really feel i need to leave the jw's rather than go along pretending everything is perfect etc.
no friends, me at work.
Hang in there. If possible, you might try going to a gym (if you aren't already) to work off some tension. -
If your Absence doesn't affect them, then your Presence never mattered!
by stuckinarut2 inwhat a powerful quote!.
"if your absence doesn't affect them, then your presence never mattered.".
how true!
@Tornintwo: I have had the same experience. My mother and sisters never gave up on me despite the pain I caused by my decision to be a JW. Trying to regroup now. -
GoFundMe - JW Pioneer & LDC Couple
by Listener injerry jones on youtube exposed a jw couple who were begging for money on gofundme.
this is his youtube .
Seems like the org should be funding them. If we were so close to the end, the org should sell everything while they can, distribute the funds to the pioneers. The GB should take the lead by rejecting their cushy tv ministry and get out in the field. What was the saying? Put your money where your mouth is... -
A fresh start
by FormerlySandL inafter the worst introduction i could ever make on the forum i would like to reintroduce myself and make a fresh start on the forum and hopefully over time i will be able to redeem myself.
i have changed my user name which was over dramatic and ridiculous in the cold light of day but for transparency and to show i am not trying to hide anything i have adapted the original name and it now has a more positive feel.
after reading a lot of posts on this forum i am feeling more optimistic about my future.
Stop grovelling. This is an internet forum. You can pretty much say anything you want to. -
I am leaving the JW's . I am alone and scared. Advice and help needed please
by scared and lonely ini am sorry that on my first post i am asking for help and advice but i am at my wits end.
i have been brought up a witness all my life and it is all i know.
i am an ex-elder and pioneer and i don't know anybody outside of the congregation.. i have been unhappy for so long and wanted to leave.
You will have your freedom. Welcome and calm down.... -
Leaked Elder's Video: How to deal with a suicidal sister
by cappytan inthis video will be played at one of the clam meetings in march 2016.. the content is kind of old news because it is a recut version of a previous video produced for the elder's school.
however, it's still significant because it shows that the organization still has dissenting brothers in positions of leadership.. my thanks to the leaker.
feel free to claim credit here.
I tried to watch it. Couldn't get past the point where they show up at her house. I almost bailed out before that when they were talking to her at the hall. If I was still going to meetings and saw that at the hall, I would probably shoot straight thru the ceiling into outerspace.
I am seriously considering 'reviewing' this with my wife after they cover it during the CLAM. There are some other things going on in her hall at the moment that might prove useful.