You okay? I'd like more information...what is so dark sweetie? If you want to talk, I'm willing to listen.
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
i didn't think ebay would be willing to let me sell my soul over there...i don't need it anymore.
life is just too dark.. so i am selling it here.. any bids?.
any requests for more information?.
You okay? I'd like more information...what is so dark sweetie? If you want to talk, I'm willing to listen.
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
maybe i am a cruel person deep down inside but this did make me laugh.. bush vs. the taliban .
mullah mohammed hasan akhund, the deputy taliban leader, and george w. .
bush agree to meet in kabul for the first round of talks in a new .
As has been expressed so many times here, what passes as funny for one person, may be nauseating to another. Fodeja, I feel I know outnfree well enough to know she isn't a vicious bloodthirsty person lurking behind her monitor. She's actually a very loving and warmhearted person, as expressed through her posts. She thought the joke was funny; so did I. And yes, precisely because it wasn't directed at me. You raise good points. Most people become sensitive and overly critical when they feel they are the butt of a joke; it's human nature. I do not wish to see Afghanistan annihilated; I don't wish to see thousands of Afghanis killed in revenge. I still thought the joke was funny.
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
today is the anniversary of my only sister's suicide four years ago.
she was 38. i've had a candle lit for her all day long.
i've been playing her favorite songs...livin' on a prayer by bon jovi.
I am really so very sorry to hear what you and your sister endured. My heart aches for all who suffer so terribly. Please know that my thoughts and love go out to you....
ok, i'm getting lonely and desperate (in spite of my loving wife and great kids) who here lives in or near south carolina, specifically, columbia.. yerusalyim.
it's my favorite sin!".
Hey BW,
Yup, Pickens is not far from Liberty, if memory serves me right. The purple stuff was a cleaner that a brother (Bro. Bultje - not sure bout the spelling) made in a shop next to his house, which was on the hill above the KH...my aunt and uncle were living in a travel trailer or something like that at the time. Course, this was quite a few years ago now!
My aunt and uncle now live in SixMile or Pickens, not sure which..so many little towns! My parents live in SixMile...and I have various other family members scattered around that area, but I'm not in touch with them (I'm a filthy apostate ). As a side point, the brother sold "The Purple Stuff" to Castrol (I think) and now you can purchase it in the automotive section of your very own WalMart!
The world jus keeps gettin smaller,
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
ok, i'm getting lonely and desperate (in spite of my loving wife and great kids) who here lives in or near south carolina, specifically, columbia.. yerusalyim.
it's my favorite sin!".
((((((slayerdude!)))))) How ya doin' cuz??
You're in Liberty? Cool. I have family that live in Pickens or SixMile or something like that...course, they won't talk to me, but hey! I still love em! Anyway, I visited Liberty years ago...thought it was actually quite nice. My aunt and uncle were living up the hill from the Kingdom Hall and I helped bottle that purple stuff...does any of this ring a bell? If so, drop me an email!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
just about everyone i have talked to has started doing some different activities since leaving the borg.
just out of curiousity what would be your favorite activity?.
mine is flag football.
Really six? In what context, if you don't mind me asking...
I appreciate ALL of my freedoms now, much more than when i was a dub...got lots more to lose now too!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
just about everyone i have talked to has started doing some different activities since leaving the borg.
just out of curiousity what would be your favorite activity?.
mine is flag football.
TOYS!!!!!! I love my toyssssssss!! That would be sex toys, peeps.
And lessee...
oral sex is definitely at the top of the list
going pretty much anywhere i want to go without worrying someone might see me!
watching any movie i care to, regardless of rating and BECAUSE of sexual content
the holidays, especially decorating the house and dressing up with the kids
hanging out with my fellow apostates online!
cussing like a sailor when the mood strikes me
summing up I guess it would be: FREEDOM!
"freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..." one of the few things Janis got wrong...
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
i spoke to a friend this morning who is a sister.
she asked her po last night about the un issue.
his first response was where did you get your information?
Bothers and Sisters!! Why the surprise?? Don't you know that greatwhitegodjehover ALWAYS exposes wrongdoing??!
2) In 1991, pre-internet, they thought they would be safe climbing in bed with the UN, who would find out? That damn information-super-highway!
The WWW and yes, WE APOSTATES! are instruments...verily I say to thee! INSTRUMENTS, doncha know...and um er...I LIKE instruments, very much...has anyone seen my batteries?
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
yep, that's right!!.
i called my mother tonight to say a friendly hello.
you guessed it.
I just saw this thread this morning...and I wanted to tell you how horrified I was to read the responses of your parents. I especially was disgusted with your father's letter. You said that it somehow made you feel ashamed of who you are...I can really relate to that feeling. I know that what Comf wrote was true, but sometimes it's not so easy to prevent ourselves from being affected by what other people think of us...especially people who are/were important to us in an emotional sense. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and adding my care and concern to everyone else's and sending it your way.
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
i am a disassociated jw living in south florida looking for support in my area.
does anyone have any information?
the recent events have brought back many of the nightmarish doctrines drilled into my head as a young child and i am having difficulty working through them on my own.
Hey Cotton
Welcome to the board. I live near Tampa, FL and there are a few others here on the db who live south, near the Ft. Myers area. Whereabouts in Florida are you?
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You