What the heck is a hairy potter?
Er...my kinda artist?
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
what's the jw line on harry potter?
i took my kiddies last night to see it.
i knew if i didn't take them on the first day of its release i'd be turned in as a deliquent parent!
What the heck is a hairy potter?
Er...my kinda artist?
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
That does it!!!
I wanna learn about love from Xena!!! and hell...hubby can play too!!!! I'm a willing student...
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
PS I've just finished a huge bowl of chocolate custard. Go get some, you know you want to...
LOLOL @ Missie...
Akshully, I agree that we can learn a lot about love from our children...also dogs are great teachers of unconditional love! It's not that I don't think it's something to aspire to, I do...it just gets a bit complicated.
I've only hated, really hated, one person in my life (altho for a brief few weeks, I came very close to hating again recently-thass another story!) and the best thing I did for myself was to let go of that hatred. Hatred is truly a destructive emotion and is far harder on the hater than on the hatee. I don't hate people anymore; but I do hate some of the things they do...child abuse is number one on my list!
Dana(of the rambling thoughts class)
this is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
Thanks for the reminder...now that I think about it, I do remember getting hit on the legs with the switch but not actual beatings with it. As for what you said about not being beaten with the belt...huh?? Dad always used a belt that I remember! And you never got hit very hard coz you bruised easily..remember??!
Gee, nothing like reliving the good ol' days!
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
Hey Missie,
I'm afraid I lost that idealistic idea of love...I don't think 'pure' love is possible for humans. I think the closest we can come is unconditional love and even that is very difficult! I'm feeling a bit morose today, so forgive me if I offend you, that's not my intention. But based on my personal experience, even at our best and with our best intentions, we can still fail those we love...
P.S. I also agree that hate is self-destructive! But turning me loose with chocolate might be just as bad for me!!
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
what's the jw line on harry potter?
i took my kiddies last night to see it.
i knew if i didn't take them on the first day of its release i'd be turned in as a deliquent parent!
Sigh..Fred, isn't there a scripture in your own bible that tells ya that a person replying to a matter before he's heard of it is a fool? (or somethin' like that) Have you actually read the books or seen the movie?? If not, I would imagine you have no idea what you're talking about.
Catholic guy, I took my kids to see it yesterday too and we all really enjoyed it. Of course the JWs find something wrong with it; I think it's their mission in life to find any little spark of joy or fun and stamp it out quickly! LOLOL
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
I hate that love does indeed fail....
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
i'm in a quandry.. came out of the organisation a few years ago, have spend a couple of chilled out christmasses in front of the fire.
no presents, decorations etc, no problem!
but... my little boy is getting older and my ex-husband (my son's father and also an ex-jw) is concerned that he will miss out, just like we did as kids.. but, i am reluctant to do the whole christmas thing.
another thing i thought of...I don't know how old your son is but my kids are 10(son) and 8(daughter).
On Christmas eve, I always let them open one present...we sit around in our pjs and each open one of our gifts. The next morning, I usually lie in bed listening to them stir...it brings me the greatest joy to hear the excitement in their voices and to see their faces shining!!! Course, then, I hafta get up coz they will absolutely DIE, doncha know, if I make them wait one more minute! LOLOL
Ahhhhh, I love Christmas!
Dana (singing: Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock...)
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
i'm in a quandry.. came out of the organisation a few years ago, have spend a couple of chilled out christmasses in front of the fire.
no presents, decorations etc, no problem!
but... my little boy is getting older and my ex-husband (my son's father and also an ex-jw) is concerned that he will miss out, just like we did as kids.. but, i am reluctant to do the whole christmas thing.
Hi Missie and welcome!
I love Christmas! And you know, you can have a great time without forking out a lot of hard earned cash.
For me, Christmas has absolutely NO religious significance whatsoever. I do it coz it's fun!! And because my children enjoy it. Also, we are building traditions around Christmas that draw us closer as a family and that will build memories they will have for the rest of their lives.
One of the best things about christmas for me:
Picking out the tree, bringing it home, and decorating it with the kids. Then, after they are in bed, sitting in the dark looking at the tree all lit up and reflecting on how different my life and the lives of my kids are now than when we were dubs.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
this is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
Wow Andee and teejay!!!!
Here I thought I was in a very small minority of kids who had to go pick their own switches!! My mom had some kind of little cherry tree out back and she'd make us go pick a switch off of it...it had little thorns on it too, as I recall.
I remember having to go out and pick switches...but I don't remember much beyond that...Tracy, maybe you can help me out here? I don't remember actually getting hit with them, perhaps I've blanked it out or maybe my mom just used it as scare tactics. I do remember my dad lining the four of us for spankings with his belt. He'd ALWAYS say: "You know how some parents say this is gonna hurt me more than it does you? Well, that ain't true!" and then he'd commence to whupping the stew out of us, but no, he didn't use the buckle end either, as I recall.
Yikes, this makes me feel ill even thinking about it! I spanked my kids for a brief period when they were young and I was still a JW...but it didn't happen often and I finally reached the point where I figured that I could hardly teach my children that it was wrong to strike another person by my striking them! So I switched to time outs, restrictions, etc..and so far, they're pretty decent kids, if I do say so myself! No problems in school or getting along with others, etc. Still can't get 'em to clean their rooms tho...
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic