Is there anyone else that gets annoyed by people who act self righteous even though they really shouldn’t?
Yeah my brother did this to me at my uncle's funeral. My siblings ignored me at the crematorium but when we went back to my aunt's house I went in to the kitchen to help her of course while the JWs sat on their bums as usual. Did they expect her to feed them all on her own after her husband's funeral?
Anyway she kept asking me to go in and ask them what they wanted to drink and then what sandwiches they wanted, then what cake. My brother, the elder, looked at me as though I'd crawled out from under a stone. He didn't want to speak to me but seeing as I'd been put in charge of food what could he do!
He was getting angrier and angrier and redder and redder. I tell you it was all I could do not to laugh my head off. You've just got to enjoy their craziness. I thought he was going to explode! So funny!