I also believe newly awakened JWs often have feelings of embarrassment and shame for even having considered anything against the JW religion ....These feelings are purposely programmed by WT to prevent JWs from reading, listening, viewing, thinking or speaking anything critical of the religion
Incognito is right, the programming is very, very strong. Don't underestimate the mental manipulation of this cult.
As an example even now after 29 years out I feel a moment's embarrassment at laughing at a dirty joke and I used to think it was because of our sexually repressed upbringing in the religion. Then I realised I was ashamed because we were taught not to laugh at anything sexual because it's a gift from God. All things are clean to clean people, blah blah, blah.
I'm not sexually repressed now but still feel a slight pang of shame going against the JW programming. Believe me the mind control of this religion would surprise even the KGB.