Perhaps you could outline his contributions to science for us Smiddy?
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
Today is the date of Albert Einstein birthday 14 / 03
by smiddy3 incan we let this day go past without acknowledging his contributions to the betterment of human society ?.
How do you deal with people who do not like you?
by usualusername1 inhi guysin the last year i have started to socialise a lot more.
namely comedy and a tennis social club.. for a variety of reasons i find socialising tough.
in my tennis club a couple of women have been extremely rude to me and i have blocked one from my phone and refuse to speak to both.. is my behaviour extreme?paul.
Sociologists say on average 30% of people we meet will like us, 30% will dislike us and 30% will be indifferent to us. It doesn't bother me if people dislike me, I'm not going to be everyone's cup of tea am I?
With so many different personalities being developed in life through our many and varied mixes of nature/nurture it stands to reason we're not going to get on with everyone. Don't let it bother you. Avoid unpleasant people wherever possible and forget about them.
Registering with
by mann377 inso the wife was sick and stayed home from the meeting.
she tuned in through the phone so she could listen.
she had the phone on speaker and therefore i could overhear what was said.
What about unforeseen situations when unexpected bills come in. Surely they should be taken into account before religious donating. Especially in the US with no NHS. Surely your health comes first. Or not! Why stay healthy, there's always the resurrection.
Mothering Sunday
by BluesBrother inthe tv media are talking about this today... in u k anyway.
as a witness , my mum never expected or received any recognition on that day .
now, on the outside it seems very harsh and nit-picking.
Nitpicking alright, they've turned straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel into an art form. The only people allowed any thanks or gratitude are the GB.
I've just opened my gift from my daughter who can't be with me today because of circumstance and it made me happy. Is that idolatry? Venerating fat old men in America as if they speak for God, that's worship!
If all you require is faith to believe in something then ....?
by smiddy3 inbe my guest :.
santa clause .
the tooth fairy .
When I was twenty I went to the pioneer school and eagerly awaited the section on faith because I struggled with it. There was nothing in it to help me, it basically concluded we believe because we want to believe. When I mentioned this to a fellow student she jokingly called me an apostate. How prophetic were her words!
Sexist article about construction
by neat blue dog in
it's all about women being trained to operate heavy equipment, like it's a miracle.
they quote the male foreman, but don't tell you that only men are allowed to be foreman.
Why dad was always proud of the fact that during the war his mum worked at British Rail in Derby because all the men had gone to war. She operated the biggest crane possibly in the country, it was called Goliath, and it lifted an entire engine and moved it from one place to another. He loved telling that story.
UK IndependentUK Commission on Child Sexual Abuse possible new, separate inquiry into JWs
by Lostandfound inthe guardian newspaper today reports that the iccsa has received “numerous” reports relating to child sexual abuse among jehovahs witness's, and it is possible they will establish an entirely separate inquiry into these reports.
the government set up the iccsa independnt inquiry into child sexual abuse some time ago and their has been a delay in the inquiry operating as thw role of chair s established.. typo in heading, sorry .
Great report in the Guardian, thanks.
There was a newly baptised guy in a congregation I was in who killed himself. The elder and his wife who were telling people about it just dismissed it with "oh he must have been mentally ill". Even as a JW I thought they were bring heartless.
Connect the dots: Cut the baby in half
by OrphanCrow in*thanks to bubba on reddit for the heads up this uplifting children's activity.
what is the purpose of this activity?
what is the message?
Quite insulting to the other woman that she will stand by and watch the baby cut in half rather than give it up to the real mother. More Old Testament misogyny.
Belly button
by moley injust a thought.
would those who are resurrected (if it existed) to the new system have bellybuttons.
I remember that, people would say it would be a kindness to give them a belly button so they didn't feel odd. What a strange God, a person wakes up in the resurrection to find all their relatives and neighbour's have been destroyed but they have been allowed to have a belly button because He is kind!