I want to the next time the mobile unit comes to my town. Good for you bikerchic.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
O neg universal doner
by bikerchic inso i donate blood because i can.
i donate every 4 months when the bloodmobile comes to my place of work.
i know it helps.. what about you, do you donate blood?
July 2018 WT points
by The Fall Guy inpage 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
I agree with WakeMe, how can they say they're not inspired or as Jackson put it, not God's representatives on earth, too presumptuous to say that, yet they go into detail on conduct. Don't wear that dress, don't play air guitar, FFS! How can they know what God wants if he doesn't dictate it to them word for word? Why don't the JWs ask this, I did.
Shunning and Changes to the Brain
by Boredposter inall who are shunned know the adverse effects of such.
we feel it.
we know how it has changed us.
In primitive societies shunning meant death because people couldn't physically survive on their own. I wonder if there is residual hardwiring in our brains that literally makes us frightened we may die if our 'tribe' shuns us.
Although it's completely illogical in our modern world being raised in the closed world of a cult doesn't help. I think leaving and knowing we'll probably be shunned triggers fear for our own survival.
Make the Truth Your Own
by neat blue dog inthis is something that hit me just relatively recently.. the phrase "make the truth your own" is a very famous catch phrase in jw culture.
it was a pet philosophy of daniel sydlik and has been used and is used in talks, literature and song.
every witness knows this trope.
What the heck does it mean anyway? The truth doesn't belong to anyone, something is either true or false. From memory make the truth your own meant, work yourself to death attending all meetings, be out in FS every day or pioneer, be a ms, an elder, go to bethel and give us your money.
Make the truth your own in my memory meant give your whole life to this religion. It's a cult phrase to trap you into slavery.
Lloyd’s new book
by jwfacts ini see there has already been discussion over lloyd’s new book how to leave the jehovah's witnesses.
this includes discussion around his personality, motives and financial gains.
i have written a foreword for this book, because it is an important topic that has not been covered in such a complete format before.
He's not everyone's cup of tea but some people love him so I see what Paul is trying to say. We're all doing our bit to help people escape this cult. Different personalities appeal to different people. I just find him too slow on YouTube, I want him to speak faster, but that's just me.
Does the Watchtower have an official position on Alcoholics Anonymous?
by JeffT ini ask because i'm working in a 28 day residential addiction treatment center and one of my co-workers is studying with the jw's.
he does not know i'm an xjw.
i suspect that at some point they're going to tell him he can't go to aa meetings anymore.
Its part of the twelve point recovery plan to look to a higher power. Are the JWs okay with that being their God, I don't know.
God! No one really cares!!!!
by JaniceA inthere are exposes right and left.
australia, canada , uk, usa.
news reports, court cases.
They dont care. Their human consciences have been mutated and perverted.
With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg -
UK Guardian article on JW child abuse
by scotsman inpublished today.
jehovah's witnesses accused of silencing victims of child abuse.
Brilliant article, it brings out the danger to the public eye that the person knocking on their door or handing them literature on the street could be a pedophile. Also there may be a separate investigation into JWs by the committee looking into institutionalised child sexual abuse in the UK!
Why are there more sisters than brothers at the Kingdom Hauls?
by Sour Grapes ini have always wondered why there are more females than males in all of the congregations that i have visited?
some of these females are in their 70's so maybe their husbands have died and women just live longer.
or could the reason be that years ago men were the breadwinners and women stayed home to raise the children thus they were home during the week when the jdubs came a knocking?
Do some women who are unhappily married with small children feel helpless and hopeless when they lack the financial independence to get a divorce and like the idea of God waving a wand and making all their problems go away at Armaggedon? Even if that means their husbands get destroyed? I'm not being spiteful I'm just thinking about my own parents.
Self indulgent attention whore thread....
by _Morpheus intoday is my birthday :) in happy to be able to say that guilt free!
Self indulgent attention whore
Surely not 😏 Happy Birthday 🍰🍺🎈🎉