I try to avoid seeing people as faceless crowds. People are individuals and even in a group, family, work department, neighbourhood, race, they're all different. This took quite a while. I hope I've left black and white thinking behind, life is full of grey areas, nothing is simple.
I've stopped regretting my JW upbringing because there are so many reasons people live lives of poverty, lacking education. Often it's simply the country they're born in. So many reasons for life to be hard, being born into a cult is just one of them. I see it anthropologically, humans invent gods and religion to try and explain reality. Eventually these will fade away and I think history will show that sadly we were born at the tail end of that era but not quite out of it.
I've progressed physically and not just ideologically. I got a distance learning degree, a job, a little house and I'm enjoying travelling, seeing the world.