Welcome former2free! I'm over the moon for you and your parents. On top of that you've no idea how much hope it gives those of us on the forum for our own families. So glad you could make it to the party.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
The biggest news of the year for Mr. and Mrs. Totally ADD
by Still Totally ADD inthis is bigger than christmas and birthdays wrap into one.
thanks to the australian royal commission our youngest son has woke up.
we received a e-mail from him tonight where he apologized to us for shunning us all these years, how bad he felt for doing this.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight. So badass when she reverted to her real assassin character and yet she saved her family. That immortal line when her daughter was hurt, "life is pain!".
I loved Sandra Bullock in Speed. The film focuses on Keanu Reeves doing heroic stuff but no matter what happens, even when she runs out of road and has to make a jump for it, she just keeps driving that damn bus.
Oh and I love Ripley in the Alien films too!
How do you feel you have progressed ?
by stuckinarut2 inin the months or years since leaving the organization, how do you think you have progressed as a person?.
(or if you have regressed too i guess?).
what aspects of personal development are you happy with?.
I try to avoid seeing people as faceless crowds. People are individuals and even in a group, family, work department, neighbourhood, race, they're all different. This took quite a while. I hope I've left black and white thinking behind, life is full of grey areas, nothing is simple.
I've stopped regretting my JW upbringing because there are so many reasons people live lives of poverty, lacking education. Often it's simply the country they're born in. So many reasons for life to be hard, being born into a cult is just one of them. I see it anthropologically, humans invent gods and religion to try and explain reality. Eventually these will fade away and I think history will show that sadly we were born at the tail end of that era but not quite out of it.
I've progressed physically and not just ideologically. I got a distance learning degree, a job, a little house and I'm enjoying travelling, seeing the world.
Why didn't I leave back then???
by silentbuddha insunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
But Orphancrow isn't this one of the guys who decided my sister and sister in law couldn't have IVF and would remain childless? My mother would have to stay with my dad because she couldn't have a scriptural divorce. The seventeen-year-old boy in my old congregation had to die after a car crash because he couldn't have blood.
Wasn't that demented old man part of the group that sat around a table and decided those things? I think I would have laughed, cried and left. Perhaps the op writer was too shocked and just laughed like a lot of young people do when shocked.
Do You Ever Wish That Hillary Was President?
by minimus inhillary is very supportive of doing whatever it takes to undermine trump.
would you be happy if she were your president?.
Hello from a country outside the US. There's a big world out here.
The biggest news of the year for Mr. and Mrs. Totally ADD
by Still Totally ADD inthis is bigger than christmas and birthdays wrap into one.
thanks to the australian royal commission our youngest son has woke up.
we received a e-mail from him tonight where he apologized to us for shunning us all these years, how bad he felt for doing this.
I'm crying for you, such wonderful new. So happy for you!
Encouraging the nasty angels of our nature
by Lee Elder ini see stories like this one, and think we are losing our way as a nation.
reverting to tribalism and racism.
i wonder if its always been there lurking beneath the surface, and it just took someone to encourage it a bit.. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/26/us/woman-berates-man-viral-rant-don-lemon-cnntv/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_content=2018-06-26t08%3a30%3a04&utm_term=link&utm_source=fbcnn.
Obama justified racial violence and tried to bias criminal cases. He was definitely more articulate, charismatic and a great orator (more like a cult leader than Trump, for all the accusations of the opposite). But when it came to policy he made things worse.
I don't live in the US and you may be right as you live closer than me but can I have the proof please?
Drop Off in Mentioning 1914
by steve2 invideos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
Xanthippe you could then have asked then why did the J.W`s/ G.B.
keep promoting dates going back to the late 1800`s well into the end of the 20th CenturyI didn't try to reason with him Smiddy because,
1) That's old light. Imperfect men. The FDS are not inspired only spirit directed you know, blah blah blah
2) I was resting after amniocentesis. My brother (an elder) only phoned after shunning me for years because he'd heard a rumour I was pregnant. WTS rumour mill still goes on after your leave!
Drop Off in Mentioning 1914
by steve2 invideos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
I challenged my brother about the 1914 generation in 1994. He got angry and said we're not serving Jehovah to any date. So I think that's the tactic now, make people feel guilty if they even wonder why it hasn't come yet. If you start to question it you obviously don't love God and you're a bad person.
Who helps the most - POMO or PIMO
by Ray Frankz ini was recentely talking to my girl who is also awaken about if there were any chance of the org to lose at least its power and authority since i believe to expect a destruction of the org is unreal i came to the conclusion that the best way to help jws is by means of the pimos.. if we take the own jw logic (the world is bad but we need to live among them in order to bring them to our side) i think that if a good part of the people who left when found ttatt stayed in they we could have much more awaken people today.
when you are out it gets extremely hard to gain the trust of any jehovah's witness to begin with.
every totalitarian government had to fight rebels among them.. im not being numb to the causes of anyone who decided to leave.
Totally depends on the type of family you have. If it is a loving, close family you might have a chance of getting them out by remaining PIMO for a while and taking it slowly. Some families are mentally healthy apart from the kids being raised in a cult, so as they become adults you might get them out. Just don't try for too long.