Yes to walk out on a lecture after merely being told most men are taller than women is ridiculous. There were some badly behaved students in those videos. I see it as the pendulum effect. Are you familiar with the pendulum effect? That when there has been a grossly unfair situation as there was with unequal pay, unequal opportunities and women not being believed or being blamed for rape it leaves a bad taste for decades.
What I find weird is things have improved dramatically since the rise of modern feminism in the 1960's (I know feminist ideas have been around much longer) that it seems many haven't caught up. Sometimes I say to my daughter, you should have lived through the seventies when I grew up. Then you'd know about sexism, I say to her, watch some old films for god's sake. Watch some documentaries to see how women who took the first contraceptive pill were treated. As either whores or career women who hated children.
So now the pendulum is swinging crazily back the other way and it seems out of control but eventually it settles and the pendulum will be in the middle. Hopefully this will happen with feminism. A lot of students were behaving well in the vids, the vast majority in fact.