Deut 18: 20-22
They're false prophets, their prophecies have failed, again and again. They therefore don't speak for God, we shouldn't listen to them. Their answer to the challenge? Overlapping generations - seriously!
i think the most poignant sin would be teaching of false doctrines such as setting a time on jesus's positioning in heaven.
from that single doctrine alone many doctrines or teachings stem and branch off such as the end times, great tribulation and armageddon all to occur concurrently one after the other.
which brings up the question did god actually chose these men in 1919 ?
Deut 18: 20-22
They're false prophets, their prophecies have failed, again and again. They therefore don't speak for God, we shouldn't listen to them. Their answer to the challenge? Overlapping generations - seriously!
hi everyone.. i would love to collate the experiences of those who decided to disassociate.
the reason i am asking this question is that i have been in turmoil for a very long time as to whether i remain a fader or whether to bring closure on my membership with the watchtower organisation.. it is for this reason i would like to read about some of the experiences of those on this forum who went down the route of disassociation.
if could answer the following.
How long did it take you to decide to disassociate?
A few months after realising it was a corrupt organisation.
How has this impacted on you?
It was a clean break, very hard but looking back I think we couldn't have gone on much longer.
Has your mental health in any way been affected since you disassociated? Eg if being shunned by family.
My husband and I were okay for two years then had a mental health blip. Then we recovered and got on with getting more education and pulling ourselves out of the poverty trap of pioneering
Do any of your current JW relatives associate with you? And if so to what degree?
No, we see them at funerals. I have a great-nephew I've never met.
Do you feel your life is better now that you are completely free of the watchtower?
Oh goodness, yes, I would have died in that cult. We got degrees, decent jobs, travelled, had a baby, bought a little house. I'm so glad we got out when we were quite young. I was thirty and my husband was thirty-four. Our little girl had a great childhood, birthday parties, Christmas, friends, sleepovers. I hated school, being made to stand out, she loved it. We both relived our childhood in a way through her happiness and it helped us catch up on what we missed out on.
Do you ever get panic attacks about Armageddon or that you left "the truth"?
No, never. Not for a moment.
Yeah '81 was after Ray Franz wasn't it, they clamped down on talking to anyone who'd left.
"can you serve where the need for kingdom publishers is greater?".
the message of jehovah’s kingdom by christ has already gained grand triumphs throughout the earth because he backs up and blesses the preaching of this “good news” by his witnesses in all the inhabited earth.
So many cults ....... so much suffering
when i was a young teenager one of my friends stabbed another in the arm with a hunting knife.
i was a witness to the event and we were all appalled by it.
but being kids after a few months when the victim wasn’t around we would try to get this guy to come out and play with us .
It's true, we don't like change and we're afraid of losing friends in case we can't make new ones. That's a real fear for people leaving he JWs. That's why the cult uses fear of shunning to keep people from leaving, they know what they're doing.
in watching the latest video in the series "was it designed?
" at tv-dot-jw-dot-org, i got to wondering why is it that watchtower hardly references scientist that are creationist.
i know its only a minority from that group, but there are enough out there for them to reference from.
JWs don't trust scientists at all.
What's the objection to the term creationist scientist? There are scientists who don't believe in evolution and believe in creation. Don't understand the objection to the term. If they have a science doctorate and work in science they are a scientist. Why is it an oxymoron? I believe in evolution by the way, just baffled by the objection the the term.
so, yesterday whilst playing chess i had a discussion ranging widely topically in which my chess opponent asked me, "how do you determine whether any religion is good or bad since there is so much basic disagreement on interpretations of text?
"i replied this way:"does this particular god need to be treated like an adult, or as a spoiled child with a churlish temper?
that's a good place to start.
How do you determine whether any religion is good or bad?
It seems obvious to me that any system of belief that is supposed to come from a divine being would make its followers really, really happy and would cause them to treat others well. It's not rocket science is it but why are religious people often judgemental and unhappy?
in the uk the bbc has been celebrating the role of women who have made a difference to the world.
they have focused on 100 women in particular who have taken a lead in various professional jobs.
isn't it sad that we'll never see a jehovah’s witness woman appearing on such a list because of the misogynistic attitude within their organisation.
We could talk about what these hundred women have achieved, or we could just talk about Chelsea Clinton........ Why am I not surprised
in the uk the bbc has been celebrating the role of women who have made a difference to the world.
they have focused on 100 women in particular who have taken a lead in various professional jobs.
isn't it sad that we'll never see a jehovah’s witness woman appearing on such a list because of the misogynistic attitude within their organisation.
Fabiola Gianotti, 58 - Particle physicist, Italy.
Fabiola is a particle physicist and became director general of Cern, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in 2016.
I didn't know this! Great thread.
thanksgiving dream list______.
1. i give thanks to mom, for the blond wig and dress when i was a child (pinch-hitting for the daughter i was meant to be).
it was a voyage of self-discovery for me to play cowboy, tarzan, and superman in drag in my neighborhood--completely unwitting to my astonishing spectacle presented to the neighbors!
Thanks Terry, sounds like it's been a hell of a ride!