How long did it take you to decide to disassociate?
A few months after realising it was a corrupt organisation.
How has this impacted on you?
It was a clean break, very hard but looking back I think we couldn't have gone on much longer.
Has your mental health in any way been affected since you disassociated? Eg if being shunned by family.
My husband and I were okay for two years then had a mental health blip. Then we recovered and got on with getting more education and pulling ourselves out of the poverty trap of pioneering
Do any of your current JW relatives associate with you? And if so to what degree?
No, we see them at funerals. I have a great-nephew I've never met.
Do you feel your life is better now that you are completely free of the watchtower?
Oh goodness, yes, I would have died in that cult. We got degrees, decent jobs, travelled, had a baby, bought a little house. I'm so glad we got out when we were quite young. I was thirty and my husband was thirty-four. Our little girl had a great childhood, birthday parties, Christmas, friends, sleepovers. I hated school, being made to stand out, she loved it. We both relived our childhood in a way through her happiness and it helped us catch up on what we missed out on.
Do you ever get panic attacks about Armageddon or that you left "the truth"?
No, never. Not for a moment.