LUHE, that's twice now you've said you asserted my parents or husband must have supported my pioneering because it was unclear from my post that I supported myself.
I said, we worked part-time to support ourselves, all of which went on rent, food and ministry clothes. We pioneers were the first to be asked to do demonstrations at the KH
Which part of this phrase did you find unclear?
But I still don't think you get it. Women aren't oppressed in the Western world, TBH. Traditionally, yes, there have been barriers and women were oppressed. Notice the simple past tense, were
Notice that I acknowledged this fact earlier in the thread. Four people 'disliked' my post acknowledging that we know about oppression of women from history books, I presume you weren't one of them?
The second meaning of princess in the first online dictionary I googled, after daughter of a monarch, is a spoilt young woman, which I suggest you meant. Now you are wriggling out of it.
are you a strong, independent woman? In that case, I don't need to apologise and you can accept that
What on earth does that mean? Do you only apologise to weak, dependent woman when you rant at them without listening properly?