Ladies First

by snugglebunny 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • snugglebunny

    I know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass. I just think it's good manners. Being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion.

  • cofty

    I tend to be courteous but not specifically to females.

  • smiddy3

    I have heard of a woman who abused a man for doing just that being a gentleman.This is how political correctness has gone insane if that`s what it is.

    I am old school in that regard and I would do all of those things and more for a woman ,my father always wore a hat and when he greeted a woman he would always dip his lid as a respect to her.

    If a woman challenged me for doing the gentlemanly thing for her ,she would get a mouthful from me as to what sort of person she is.

  • zeb

    Once while dirty from work and in my old overalls i held the door to the bank while a young woman carrying various rolls of plans and files entered the bank. She gave me a filthy look. On the way out i stood as she dropped some of the rolls of plans and files and waited till she had picked them up and opened the door for herself.

    I believe women have lost more than they have received out of this feminist/equality thing.


  • Xanthippe

    I held a door open on Tuesday at work for a man becasue he was carrying a tray of coffee through for his colleagues. He was very grateful. Yesterday a man at work held a door for me becasue I was carrying a coffee and a pile of books. I said that was good timing and thanked him.

    Don't make judgements that all women are a certain way now or that they hate courtesy from men and other women. Just as I don't judge all men to be sexist just because a few are. Billions of people is too large a sample to judge without knowledge.

    I'm a feminist and believe in equal rights but I don't hate men, on the contrary I loved one for twenty-seven years.

  • Onager

    Anyone who feels demeaned because someone treats them differently because of their gender, in a polite, mannerly fashion, has literally zero idea of what it means to be demeaned.

  • Jehalapeno

    A random lady got upset with me once about holding the door for her, and I told her the truth. I said, “Lady, I hold the door for everyone regardless of gender. It’s the polite thing to do for others. If you don’t know this, I’m sorry for you.”

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Anyone who feels demeaned because someone treats them differently because of their gender, in a polite, mannerly fashion, has literally zero idea of what it means to be demeaned - spot on, it's a pity I can only give this one like.

    Western feminists literally have no idea about genuine oppression.

    Women in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and a number of African countries know about real oppression.

    Whining about men opening doors for you is a first world problem, and nothing in the scheme of things.

    But, amazingly, you *do* get feminists moaning about this.

  • Xanthippe
    Western feminists literally have no idea about genuine oppression.

    Yes we do, we can read history books

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes we do, we can read history books - kinda proves my point, don't you think?

    Western feminists don't know what real oppression is - they've not suffered it.

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