Drunken orgies, drugs, satanism, child sacrifice, the usual.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
So how "worldly" did you get after you left the "truth"
by greenhornet ini don't drive a 4 door car.
i go to a local christian church.
Did your congregation ever throw special parties exclusively for Pioneers?
by Tenacious ini'm trying to remember if these parties were a direct instruction from hq or if this was something on a local level.. i remember i attended at least 2 of these parties and we also would bring them gifts.
i saw them no different than a bday party (elevating someone to idolatry level).. if anyone else remembers these parties please let me know.
if there's a letter out there somewhere from hq that would be even better.
You had parties for pioneers?! I pioneered for ten years and never saw one. From what posters on here say some pioneers were horrible, expecting handouts, acting superior.
Pioneering seems to have a bad reputation generally on this forum. To me it just meant a lot of hard work door knocking and being very poor. Parties especially for us, in your dreams!
I sent in my letter - peace I’m out
by HiddenPimo inda haters need not apply - thanks for your support.
Good for you! I da'd 30 years ago and am glad I did. No phone calls, no elder visits, free weekends, free evenings, discovered wine!
We had our lttle girl six years later and she had birthday parties, Christmas presents, dressed up for Halloween and had a normal childhood! When she was five I went back to work and we took her on foreign holidays with no bloody circuit overseer saying you need to give your time to the preaching work, those countries will still be there in the new system.
Congratulations on leaving fantasy land and joining the real world. Remember to have plenty of fun! You owe it to yourself for the wasted years!
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
It's all bollocks. -LUHE
Yes you're right, it's all bollocks and ovaries of course. It must have an evolutionary basis, sex being the strongest force between men and women.
The workplace dynamic has changed radically since women have started achieving the same level jobs as men. This is bound to have affected the sexual dynamic. I am not sure how, I don't know enough about evolution but I am sure the information is out there.
Not that all men resent powerful, over-achieving women, they don't. Some find it very sexy. Some marry women like this. It's in constant flux now that we have women executives, scientists and premiers of countries. It's all very interesting.
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
NB I still maintain female JWs are oppressed. Being told to stay with your violent spouse is oppression as far as I’m concerned. Being told your role is to be subservient is oppression as far as I’m concerned. No one will convince me otherwise.
Yeah Diogenesister I think many women, not all, in the cult had it rough. It seems the more you did, the more you got involved the worse it was. I think we all had it rough though, men and women.
This battle of the sexes, that this thread began with, what's it all about? Why are we always competing? The fact is we have all been hurt in the past by men, women, people, humans! Plus there's a couple of small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri I'm still annoyed with.
Let's just get over it. Move on!
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
Cofty I didn't realise it would bother you, people knowing you had asked for apologies on the forum. It doesn't bother me, it's LUHE who thinks we're pathetic for doing it.
Anyway I will let you get back to your squabble, eh I mean serious important discussion, with JWanswers.
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
Which part of this phrase did you find unclear? - It was unclear from your post whether your part time wages allowed you to be fully financially independent or not. That was all.
What did you want a bank statement?Compared to millions of genuinely oppressed women in non-Western countries, you are a spoilt woman. You may not like to hear this but it's true.
When did I say I was oppressed? Why do you keep beating that drum. I agreed with Diogenesister that women are used as workhorses in that cult and used my own example and that of people I knew.
Who is it you're talking to when you keep saying you're not opressed, I know okay! I said it's in the history books! How many times!I find it amusing when feminists talk of strong, independent women, then reach for the smelling salts and cry hate speech the minute somebody 'is rude' to them on line.
Your mate cofty has several times asked people to apologise to him on the forum and no I'm not going to find examples for you. Ask him. I don't go trawling through online to find things to prove my point I leave that to you. Why on earth do you trawl YouTube for vids of talks by feminists? -
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
LUHE, that's twice now you've said you asserted my parents or husband must have supported my pioneering because it was unclear from my post that I supported myself.
I said, we worked part-time to support ourselves, all of which went on rent, food and ministry clothes. We pioneers were the first to be asked to do demonstrations at the KH
Which part of this phrase did you find unclear?
But I still don't think you get it. Women aren't oppressed in the Western world, TBH. Traditionally, yes, there have been barriers and women were oppressed. Notice the simple past tense, were
Notice that I acknowledged this fact earlier in the thread. Four people 'disliked' my post acknowledging that we know about oppression of women from history books, I presume you weren't one of them?
The second meaning of princess in the first online dictionary I googled, after daughter of a monarch, is a spoilt young woman, which I suggest you meant. Now you are wriggling out of it.
are you a strong, independent woman? In that case, I don't need to apologise and you can accept that
What on earth does that mean? Do you only apologise to weak, dependent woman when you rant at them without listening properly?
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
Blondie the post was by LoveUniHateExams, stating I must have been supported by my parents and then my husband pioneering, which is not true and quite plain from my post. Diogenesister is the one that defended me to LUHE because she actually read my post.
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
Xanthippe stated she worked part time to support herself - so she worked part time but was financially independent? ... i.e. her part time job paid all her bills and allowed her to be independent?
You'll have to forgive me because it was unclear from her post. -LUHE
LUHE I don't understand why you're asking Diogenesister to forgive you when you were extremely rude to me. You said my husband or parents supported me pioneering when I'd stated I worked part time to pay my rent, food and clothing bills. It's clearly in my post, Diogenesister got it, why didn't you?
Yes I was poor after only working part time from 16 - 22 while pioneering. I left home at nineteen and obviously paid my own bills. Before that I paid my parents board, I had to, my dad was not a JW. My parents didn't pay my way pioneering.
When I got married at 22 we both worked and both pioneered. On this thread about treating women with respect and gallantry you assumed I'd lied about my life and called me princess as if I was a pampered kid. I wasn't, my family were poor, living in a council house and I remained poor until I left the evil cult and got my degree.
I think you owe me an apology, what do all these gallant lovely men on here think?