Not certain they have paid anything yet as they were appealing, but WT's appeal now appears to have failed. The penalty since the order was issued is now accumulated to approx $2M.
I see, thanks Incognito.
jehovah's witnesses' tab for child sex abuse secrecy $2m and counting.
by trey bundy / november 16, 2017. .
Not certain they have paid anything yet as they were appealing, but WT's appeal now appears to have failed. The penalty since the order was issued is now accumulated to approx $2M.
I see, thanks Incognito.
jehovah's witnesses' tab for child sex abuse secrecy $2m and counting.
by trey bundy / november 16, 2017. .
Surely this is the case I asked about from an earlier thread and asked so have they been paying $4000 a day for two years? Several posters said no they've been appealing it this whole time and paid nothing, but apparently they've already paid $2,000,000.
i dont know if it's due to the last convention, the recent broadcasts, the internet or just plain fatigue - but since the convention i've had a few people contact me via facebook messenger asking how i am then cutting to the chase asking me what it's like "on the outside" or "how did you adjust after leaving?
" and asking me how they can leave the wt but keep their families.. my reply is always the same, i show real genuine interest and concern and listen to their situation.
then i suggest a fade, how to fade, to ignore or reject elders visits, to not talk about their doubts to active jws under any circumstances and finally point them to this site.
Thanks for helping people escape PE, you're doing a great job. It cheers me up to know so many people want to fade.
The "new light" has changed the contract as far as im concerned. Overlapping generation? I never signed up to that back in 2004 when I was dunked.
My brother who's been an elder for about thirty years brought this up to me when I left. He said what mattered to him was his dedication to Jehovah as if I had broken my contract by leaving. I agree with you, they've broken the contract by completely changing the wording of it.
I was promised a paradise earth within one generation of 1914. They reneged on the deal, not me. Also they're false prophets so according to Deuteronomy 18:20-22 they should be ignored.
god would not say: “you should not eat from the tree of good and bad, which would make you like me” because through jesus he said: ‘you must become like me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving (of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’ (mathew 5:44-48) .
this also means we should have no human teachers because we can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference.
(pro 25:2) how to go about inferring?
These thoughts arose in me when I saw many blaming God - Venus
god would not say: “you should not eat from the tree of good and bad, which would make you like me” because through jesus he said: ‘you must become like me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving (of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’ (mathew 5:44-48) .
this also means we should have no human teachers because we can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference.
(pro 25:2) how to go about inferring?
I'm sure if there was a creator of the universe he wouldn't need you or I to defend him Venus. Even he doesn't feel the need to defend himself. Why do you feel the need?
god would not say: “you should not eat from the tree of good and bad, which would make you like me” because through jesus he said: ‘you must become like me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving (of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’ (mathew 5:44-48) .
this also means we should have no human teachers because we can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference.
(pro 25:2) how to go about inferring?
I feel a deep respect and love towards God because He gives freedom to people even to deny His existence, and He never punishes them.
So if your God feels this way why don't you copy him and stop preaching at us?
i dislike long here it is.. i suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.. when i first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.. my family broke up.
i lost my so called friends.. luckily, i had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why i was so suicidal.
in as much as they hadn't left cults.. i went from the corporation to a baptist church.
I agree with GreatTeacher it's liberating realising life is meaningless, I can make my own meaning, even if it's just having fun. I'm absolutely fine with that.
I do believe in altruism Punky, people who give to starving kids or victims in war zones do it anonymously because they care. I know people go on about middle-class guilt but I don't buy that. A lot of good people in the world.
I like the fact I don't have many Xmas presents to buy either Punky, silver linings eh?
if someone believes they're being plagued with demons or they have problems with hauntings, things moving by themselves or hearing voices or footsteps, who they gonna call?
i know they take demons very seriously, so who in the congregation do they go to when they need to bring out the big guns?
do they try to handle it themselves or is this a job for the elders?
Why not come across as non-threatening?
As Stephen Hawking keeps pointing out, why assume all alien life is friendly?
if someone believes they're being plagued with demons or they have problems with hauntings, things moving by themselves or hearing voices or footsteps, who they gonna call?
i know they take demons very seriously, so who in the congregation do they go to when they need to bring out the big guns?
do they try to handle it themselves or is this a job for the elders?
Belief in demons and angels cast out by God is just superstition but why is it impossible that there are life forms in the universe that are invisible to the human eye and made of substances not yet fully understood by the laws of physics. This may explain a lot of the spirit, ghost, demon stories. Not all particles or forms of electromagnetic energy are visible to the naked eye.
we supposedly had more than a few “demonized” people in our congregation.
they would hear voices or feel internal punishment within their souls.
the answer was always—-these people were affected by the demons and they needed counseling!.
My Mum threw so much stuff out because of 'demons'. Some lovely blue and white china I remember which might have been Spode, handed down from her family. Clothes people gave us, which we really needed! All thrown out when she got the idea they were demonised. She could have sold that china and bought badly needed food for goodness sake, but no you can't hand the demons on to someone else, that's not Christian. Sigh!