Evolution has such a long way to go before we are a species of civilized beings - OrphanCrow
Indeed it does, but I still hold out hope that humankind will make it.
when i was 23 years old, i started dating a (jehovah’s) witness boy and we’d go out to some dance clubs.
there was a night in particular where i had too much to drink.
Evolution has such a long way to go before we are a species of civilized beings - OrphanCrow
Indeed it does, but I still hold out hope that humankind will make it.
hello brothers and sisters am new here , what is the website all about ?.
Hi Natasha and welcome to the forum. What is it about? Well I remember hearing years ago in a talk that a person's religion is very often an accident of birth. In other words where in the world you are born and which family you are raised in affects what you usually grow up to believe.
I often used this in field service to encourage the householder to examine their own religion. This is a forum where many that were raised in the JW religion do just that, freely and without censure, examine the beliefs they were raised with. Ask as many questions as you like. Enjoy!
when i was 23 years old, i started dating a (jehovah’s) witness boy and we’d go out to some dance clubs.
there was a night in particular where i had too much to drink.
Thanks for sharing this LisaRose. I do feel so sorry for that poor young woman. The thought of what she'd been through and then those stupid old men disfellowship her.
Growing up in a congregation you’re always aware that you are seen as a lesser being, that you have a position underneath men.I have said this many times and I would like to point it out again that right from birth you are a lesser being in this religion despite a very vociferous poster who keeps insisting that women have an easy time of it.
is your retreat .
an actual location, or simply a quiet place in your mind?.
i attended a concert on sunday, a featured piece having been commissioned by a composer who lives in the city but retreats to an island in the puget sound (usa) to write his music.
I like to walk in the woods on my own
In his book The Magic of Reality Richard Dawkins has a chapter, Are We Alone? where he speculates what kind of bodies aliens might have. Stephen Hawking thinks it's dangerous to send signals into space to attract alien civilisations because he thinks we don't know what we might be getting ourselves into. Serious scientists take the probability of alien life seriously.
a couple of times at the meetings this year we've been told that in the future we might get some strange directions from the society that might not make any sense to us.
then they've said will we show our loyalty to jehovah by still obeying?
seems a rather unusual thing to say.
All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not
We all presume and indeed hope this is all GB bullshit to soften the r+f up even more into absolute obedience and 'voluntary' contributing. It does sound very sinister every time I read it but I suppose old men living in luxury are not suddenly going to force everyone to run for the hills. Where would their income be then?
thanks for the warm greetings all.
i am very moved, really.
Great story Gabe. Good reminder that we should at least try with JWs at our door or on the carts, especially the young ones.
just had a coffee on way home when two young mums with babys in strollers came in with the usual bags and stuff for the little ones needs.
i recall our days of little ones and the times we rarely went out.. i bought a coffee voucher for each mum and gave them my best wishes.
i delight in doing random acts of kindness.. i wish everyone here as well a safe and happy christmas/ new year time.
Zeb great story, thanks. Sometimes I hold back because well this is England and we're a little insular. I'm afraid people will think what's she after, but I will try harder.
A few days ago I slipped on ice at a supermarket car park and a lady came rushing over to see if I was okay. She had such genuine concern on her face. It would have made made day had it not been for the massive bruise way too near my hip 😀
Live long and prosper Zeb and Happy Christmas.
i know that some are upset because of the time lost because of ever having been a witness.
have you moved on as an ex jw or are you stil devastated because of your past jw lige?.
Being raised a JW was an obstacle but not the only one. Most people have situations from childhood of one sort or another they have to overcome, and overcoming them is the true heart of the matter.
This helps me when I think along those lines and I can honestly say the bad days come less and less the further away you get from the whole JW experience.
I love this Millie, it mirrors the way I think about life.
many people of all denominations are beginning to believe that hell does not exist - but the bible supports the claim that it does.
examine this verse, one under nkjv and the other nwt:.
nkjv - matthew 25:46, "and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.".
Xanthipe .........You're just being rude, straight up.
You think I'm being rude asking you why you're here as you've never been a JW and you seem to just want to preach at us. Wow if you think that's rude I don't think you're going to last very long. Saying you came here to find what JWs believe? I don't buy it, you haven't asked that at all.