Thought I would share an update with you. Amazingly my sister replied to my text the same day and said she hadn't had a heart attack but had suspected angina. She said she was going to the hospital on February 1st for tests and would let me know the results.
To be honest I thought that's the last I would hear from her as she's just answering my text because she knows I must have got her number from our cousin and she wants to stay in with her.
But she texted me on 1st Feb. and said she was just home from the hospital. The tests show there is no damage to the heart muscle which is good but the symptoms suggest narrowing of an artery somewhere which is not good. She will need an angiogram to confirm and meanwhile is on meds.
So that was a big surprise and the two kisses at the end of the text an even greater on! She even asked how I was. This is more contact than we've had in years. I don't hold out hope for a relationship, too much water, and shunning under the bridge for that. At least I reached out as a caring human being, which was genuinely felt (Steve2) and got a human response. Plus she can text if she ever has doubts about the cult. Well you never know! Thanks for all those who suggested I reach out to her.