BW it does strike me that after 2 1/2 thousand years of philosophy and a hundred years of psychotherapy we don't seem to have worked out what makes humans really happy. I don't like the ideas of messing with brains chemically, too much damage is done by drugs already.
I find the idea of changing the wiring of the brain with mediation and mindfulness interesting. I've done meditation and ended sessions feeing very happy, the whole room looks more beautiful at the end of it. I've had a couple of 'peak' experiences, one during stress but one on a wonderful trip to mountains and lakes, looking at beauty all day.
The brain is fascinating, I just wish we could work out what it really needs to be happy. We were apes but we are more than that now, with very complex needs. Sometimes it feels like evolution has created a monster, one that is never satisfied, never content, you know?