IT,s simple, I can not remember crap from my previous life.
The wife told me today if you come back in the next life, please
take some science classes.
If I could remember a small percentage of my life today, just a little
bit, man would it make a difference.
In school I would be 100% nerd, geek, book worm. I wouldn,t date or
seriously date until I finish college. I would have no less then
six kids, so by the time I,m old I have a good chance that one
of the six will be around to help. One thing I would do(before marraige)
is travel.
But that,s the problem with reincarnation, you don,t remember anything
so what,s the point.
It would be weird to have knowledge of your previous life. I see
my ex-wife (high school) and run like hell.